44 Med: To the poster Thatsall : I do not want to talk to you. Resign yourself to not talking to me. Thank you.
01:45 Dailyposter: What has he done?
01:46 Med: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/resign-to
01:46 Dailyposter: I’m not tha
01:46 Med: I will continue to use this forum without fear of retribution.
01:46 Dailyposter: I’m not that’s all
01:46 Med: Don’t talk to me.
01:46 Dailyposter: Huh?
01:46 Dailyposter: Lol
01:47 Dailyposter: What??
01:47 Med: You live with your parents.
01:47 Dailyposter: What?
01:47 Med: You said so
01:47 Dailyposter: I am not thatsall
01:47 Med: Anyhow don’t talk to me
01:48 Dailyposter: Strange behaviour.
01:48 Med: No it’s not don’t talk to me
01:48 Dailyposter: You’re a strange person.
01:48 Med: Find someone else to pester
01:48 Med: I am eccentric
01:48 Dailyposter: Strange lady.
01:48 Med: You are right
01:48 Med: I’m not your lady
01:48 Dailyposter: You’re on drugs obviously .
01:49 Dailyposter: What I don’t want you to be my lady what?
01:49 Med: I’m not answering you further
01:49 Dailyposter: Huh???
01:49 Dailyposter: LOL
01:49 Dailyposter: 😂😂😂😂
01:49 Dailyposter: Wtf is wrong with people
01:49 Dailyposter: 😂😂😂🤣🤣