IMHO I've discovered the secret to life long ago.
It's very simple. Avoid the bad stuff. Pursue the good stuff.
If you work, then do something you personally enjoy doing rather than achieving. E.g., if you're imagining you would enjoy the feeling of having saved someone's life, don't choose to become a doctor. Choose to become a doctor if you enjoy the every day of being a doctor, the conversations with patients, reading, learning about human physiology, nursing, etc. That's what you'll be doing most of the time, not saving lives. And definitely don't do it for the money. Money is okay, but it's not worth doing something you hate the majority of your life. Also, if you enjoy what you're doing, money will always follow.
For love life, same thing applies. Don't imagine yourself getting married or having sex or that one moment when you're in love and all that crap. Do you enjoy the boring parts of your life with this person? If yes, then go for it.