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Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

Posts: 5403

So it's been about 8 months since these abhorrent "threads" have been UNDEMOCRATICALLY hammered against the community's doors, with no one outside the usual suspects having the tools to extract them. 

Have the topics been a success? Do people use them? 

Let's look at the numbers. 


The "Community" topic: 

Active: 8 months/252 days
Views: 630 
Up/downvotes: -9

630 views / 252 days = 2.5 views/day

Taking into account the many re-visits by TC themself, to update the old post, the brief campaign against this thread (spearheaded by a 100% spontaneous community dislike action) and the mere fact that it's on top of the board lurking all the attention, how many times have people actually visited this thread with it's intended purpose? 

Not many at all, I tell you that. At MOST we are looking at an average ratio of just over one view per day, many of which are mine because I like to see how many dislikes it has gotten extra. 


SC "Official" Links topic: 

This topic has even less views & stats so the above applies doubly. 


Why do the powers that be take away the attention away from democratically, organically risen popular threads? Only to give it to themselves? Why do we let them monopolise the top part of the board, when their usage stats are ABYSMAL and non defendable? 

I say ABOLISH the threads, they are popularly disliked, nobody uses them, and they serve only as a narcissistic reminder of the moderators' ballooned sense of authority. 


last edit on 10/30/2023 12:43:59 PM
Do we really need the sticky topics anymore?
Voters(1): Buttered Toast
stick them at the bottom of the site instead
Voters(0): none
Posts: 1471
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

The sticky posts should be extremely active posts to encourage more activity to them and allow the discussion to continue instead of letting it be drowned out by shit posts. It should be removed if activity goes down and replaced by the next big active topic.

professional retard :)
Posts: 1471
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

A whole topic JUST for 3 hyper links. Couldn't this be at the top or something? Posted Image

professional retard :)
Posts: 1471
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

The community topic could just be replaced by those topics themselves. Why just add an extra click? It's stupid. Just stick those topics at the top and remove them every week if they're inactive

professional retard :)
Posts: 2820
2 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

The stickied topics are ugly ngl. Just add them into the drop down menu at the top of the page

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

Stickied threads are passé. They were passé when they were reinstated, and haven't stopped to be old-fashioned ever since. 

A sticky thread is a symbol of stagnation. It's continued monopolisation of the attention is an eyesore and breaks the natural flow of threads, which get boosted to the top. 

We aren't as bad as some other forums, where every page requries a half-scroll to even view the non-stickied threads. But with stickies, every 1 is 1 too many. They simply break the natural order of our community, they pause time saying "We only talk about these 4 topics!" and invite everyone to stick to the same old shit. 

You may think this is overreacting, but I think that we underestimate the subconscious effects of sticky threads on our forum experience, and that stickies foster a culture of complacency and decline. 

Posts: 323
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

No but they're not going to change it.

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)
Tacky said: 

No but they're not going to change it.

 Why won't they change it? 

Posts: 323
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)
Xadem said: 
Tacky said: 

No but they're not going to change it.

 Why won't they change it? 

Egos and satisfaction that they don't have to remove it even if it's an unpopular feature.

Posts: 323
0 votes RE: Sticky topics: Relics of the past (referendum)

630views? lol thats crazy low for threads given an advantage.

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