She said: 

I feel like you would throw that label at more people than is warranted. 

Ahahahaha maybe become more in touch with your intuition then,  because I put it in quotes since I do not believe in officially labelling any people any static generalizations....

To see others we must first tune out ourselves, and I don't think you can. 

You say you would not label people like that as if the quote marks save you, but we've seen you use that word here numerous times. It is a go-to for you, and to be frank you show more tendencies of it than those you've spoken about thus far. Even in your peers, your partners, and even your own mother, you seek to be enabled and immediately lash out when contradicted. 

You struggle to understand other perspectives beyond how they have to do with you, which is fairly hallmark narcissism. If I were to defend you, wouldn't that make me a Narcissist Defender? 

 Do you see me tc? Why or why not?