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what happens when an empath- heyoka or otherwise- supernovas ??

Posts: 337

some pasting of Quora replies



Posts: 337
0 votes RE: what happens when an empath- heyoka or otherwise- supernovas ??
"When an advanced empath can recognize a sociopath or narcissist but chooses to keep that knowledge to themselves, allowing the predator to believe they have emotional control over them, only to wait strategically for the exact moment when the pathological person has no supply back up. At this moment the super empath will remove the narc from their life without anesthesia. Not even a suicidal/homicidal threat from the narc will get the super empath to let them back in. It’s called getting a taste of your own medicine — the super empath can feel the secret core abandonment/not-good-enough wound inside of the narc and has decided to pour salt in it because it’s the only way to wake up the abusive person! Getting to feel a pain deeper than the one they caused in us & others is delicious. We know it ain’t right. 😂 Usually we’ve already masterly built our case against them to everyone we mutually know to block their smear campaign too. And we’ve collected all the evidence from people they fucked with.

We just want to make it perfectly clear that empathy is not a weakness. 🙂"

empath supernovas do not have to keep it a secret- I prefer to be very honest ahout everything that I am doing soo that it can contribute the most to learning for everyone involved from my perspective

Also- I do feel sad for and pity Narcissists-  I am a soul and spiritual healer but everyone is at different evolution levels of empathy



"This is when an super empath or highly evolved empath is involved with a covert narcissist and rather then suffering a breakdown from narc abuse, the empaths dulls their empathic nature & takes on the narcissistic traits of their abuser and quite literally destroys the narcissist.

Flips the script persay essentially unmasking the abuser & cuts them off of their primary source of narcissistic supply & if done correctly creates such a profound unmasking, that it cuts them off of all forms of supply and debilitates their carefully structured façade."



"That would be me! I just got out of a one year relationship with a Narcopath and let me tell you, it changed my life. I am not the same person I was a year ago. I'm stronger, my gifts are stronger and I can smell a psychopath before I see them. It was a crazy, lesson learning experience and I don't wish it on even my worst enemy. I was mentally and physically abused by him. I fought back though. I defended myself with everything I had in me and it worked, for the most part. You see, I can tell when someone is lying to me. I'm the type of person that will call someone out immediately if I know you are lying. He HATED it. I broke into his Social Media profile and screenshot EVERYTHING that showed him cheating. I physically held him back from hurting me too much. I always knew when he was going beyond the usual anger because his eyes would turn black and soulless. When that happened, usually after I proved he was lying, cheating, triangulating, hoovering, etc., he would go over the top and that's when I backed off. I don't recommend ANYONE ever do this with their narc unless you are prepared to take it all the way and most are not. I just happen to be a really physically strong and strong willed woman. He finally decided that I was just way too much for him after two visits to jail and he moved on, to his next victim I'm sure. So Supernova Empath? Hell yes I am and I'm so proud of it!"
last edit on 9/12/2023 7:46:34 PM
Posts: 337
0 votes RE: what happens when an empath- heyoka or otherwise- supernovas ??
What is an empath supernova?

When an advanced empath can recognize a sociopath or narcissist but chooses to keep that knowledge to themselves, allowing the predator to believe they have emotional control over them, only to wait strategically for the exact moment when the pathological person has no supply back up. At this moment the super empath will remove the narc from their life without anesthesia. Not even a suicidal/homicidal threat from the narc will get the super empath to let them back in. It’s called getting a taste of your own medicine — the super empath can feel the secret core abandonment/not-good-enough wound inside of the narc and has decided to pour salt in it because it’s the only way to wake up the abusive person! Getting to feel a pain deeper than the one they caused in us & others is delicious. We know it ain’t right. 😂 Usually we’ve already masterly built our case against them to everyone we mutually know to block their smear campaign too. And we’ve collected all the evidence from people they fucked with.

We just want to make it perfectly clear that empathy is not a weakness. 🙂

What is a heyoka empath, and is it a gift or a curse to be one?
Can a supernova empath destroy a narcissist?
Do narcissists prefer the empath supernova, or do they see them as more challenging?
Have you ever met a Heyoka empath? If so, how did they affect you?
Does a narcissist value a super empath highly? If so, why?
This is when an super empath or highly evolved empath is involved with a covert narcissist and rather then suffering a breakdown from narc abuse, the empaths dulls their empathic nature & takes on the narcissistic traits of their abuser and quite literally destroys the narcissist.

Flips the script persay essentially unmasking the abuser & cuts them off of their primary source of narcissistic supply & if done correctly creates such a profound unmasking, that it cuts them off of all forms of supply and debilitates their carefully structured façade.

That would be me! I just got out of a one year relationship with a Narcopath and let me tell you, it changed my life. I am not the same person I was a year ago. I'm stronger, my gifts are stronger and I can smell a psychopath before I see them. It was a crazy, lesson learning experience and I don't wish it on even my worst enemy. I was mentally and physically abused by him. I fought back though. I defended myself with everything I had in me and it worked, for the most part. You see, I can tell when someone is lying to me. I'm the type of person that will call someone out immediately if I know you are lying. He HATED it. I broke into his Social Media profile and screenshot EVERYTHING that showed him cheating. I physically held him back from hurting me too much. I always knew when he was going beyond the usual anger because his eyes would turn black and soulless. When that happened, usually after I proved he was lying, cheating, triangulating, hoovering, etc., he would go over the top and that's when I backed off. I don't recommend ANYONE ever do this with their narc unless you are prepared to take it all the way and most are not. I just happen to be a really physically strong and strong willed woman. He finally decided that I was just way too much for him after two visits to jail and he moved on, to his next victim I'm sure. So Supernova Empath? Hell yes I am and I'm so proud of it!

An empath supernova is a powerful and mostly subconscious self defense mechanism kickstarted through a super empaths personality. Also known as Heyoka Empath from Native American Indian folklore.

They are the ultimate nemesis to the pathological narcissist. When a super empath goes supernova, it delivers a devastating blow to the narcissists ego known as the Narcissistic Injury.

A super empath embodies all that is good and genuinely want to heal people. Often, narcissists mistake a super empath for a regular empath and begin the love-bombing stage. The alert super-empath goes along with the game until they recognize the first red flag of devaluation.

Once, the devaluation stage is apparent, the super empath begins to expand their energy levels much like a star does before it goes supernova in space. During this stage, the super empath becomes increasingly alert and look for other devaluation signs.

As a natural born empath, they will try their best to look at the narcissists concerns with eyes unclouded by hate. If the narcissist begins the narcissistic rage, things take turn for the worse. The internal self-defense mechanism of the super empath is engaged.

A super empath will be on the verge of going supernova at this stage but they will deal the situation with the utmost strategy. The subconscious mind of the super empath will begin to expose the narcissist to the world. There is nothing worse than being shamed and exposed for a narcissist.

The narcissist is now confused to whether the super empath knows if they are an energy vampire. They will begin gaslighting and word salad at full force to check if the person they’ve been dealing was a Heyoka empath.

Unable to a battle the super empath in the last stages of narcissistic manipulation, they begin the discarding phase which is a terrible idea without acquiring a new primary supply.

Exhausted and unable to find another primary supply at the last moment, the narcissist will call for truce with a half hearted love bombing. This truce is to find time and to get a new narcissistic game plan.

The new game plan is always the same where they warn to leave the super empath. A super empath energy levels are at an alarmingly high levels close to going supernova but with a last bit of decency and integrity, they will give the narcissist a chance to reconsider the power-struggle battle.

This is where the narcissist throws the silent treatment in full force. By now the super empath has gone supernova and calls the bluff of the narcissist. They will most often block the narcissist and go to strict no-contact like their life depended on it.

Angered and helpless, the narcissist goes into a panic mode of scrambling to find a new primary supply and kickstart the smear campaign, while the super empath goes onto a healing mode while the supernova shines bright.

As the supernova dims, a newly healed super empath emerges with a new found appreciation for life and people. They create a place and energy for new relationships much like how new stars and planets form after a massive supernova explosion in space.

This may all seem quite confusing and intriguing, but those who have endured a narcissists' abuse can attest to these facts. My heart and support goes to all the narc survivors. Only the super empaths who have gone supernova can save others through exposing the energy vampires and educating about their strategies.

Listed below are the glossary of terms highlighted in this post -

Empath Supernova - A strategic explosive blow to a narcissists ego.

Heyoka Empath - A Native American Indian folklore word for a energy spirit.

Pathological Narcissist - A self-aware overt or covert narcissist with clinical conditions of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissistic Injury - A immense hurt and meltdown of a narcissist usually activated by shame or criticism.

Love-Bombing - Carefully orchestrated psychological manipulation to trap empaths through intense love, attention and affection.

Devaluation - Carefully orchestrated psychological manipulation to create chaos and confusion in an empath’s mind to control them.

Narcissistic Rage - An intense manic rage episode when a narcissist does not get what they want akin to a screaming toddler.

Expose - A strategic energy battle move mostly done by super empath to bring shame and expose the narcissists behavior to unaware others.

Shame - A critical weak point of a narcissist which makes them highly vulnerable and submissive.

Energy Vampire - Someone who is self-aware of their toxic nature and can drain a person’s energy level through constant negativity.

Gaslighting - A psychological manipulation technique to question your sanity.

Word-Salad - Psychological manipulation through juggling words to confuse a person to mental exhaustion.

Narcissistic Manipulation - A clearly defined set of manipulation techniques that are universal to all narcissistic people regardless of gender, culture, race or age.

Discarding Phase - An intentional or sometimes manipulative method of discarding a person by a narcissist eerily similar to a toddler getting tired of a particular toy.

Primary Supply - A person who is the main supply of attention, admiration, affection and overall energy supply for a narcissist.

Power Struggle - When people battle each other with mind games to gain control over the relationship.

Silent Treatment - A psychological manipulation technique used in relationships to break the weak person down and gain dominance over them.

No-Contact - A self preservation method to kickstart healing through not contacting a person when the relationship has ended.

Smear Campaign - A dirty tactic used by the narcissist when they have lost the battle or have been discarded. Often involves spreading false information to tarnish the other persons name and to get sympathy through false victimhood.



Posts: 337
0 votes RE: what happens when an empath- heyoka or otherwise- supernovas ??
Healing - A process of overcoming and empowering oneself through therapy and being part of wellness communities.

Narc Survivors - People who have gotten out of abusive relationships with narcissists."
"This is someone with high levels of empathy who has endured some form of abuse by a manipulator for long enough to know the behaviors cluster b personalities employ. Also, this person is probably pretty intelligent and probably has a certain level of independence. One example would be an adult raised by a narc who is now an adult. When this type of person comes into contact with another narc, rather than reacting to their provocations, this type of empath will observe and pretend to not notice since they already know how a narc will respond to immediate confrontation (they learned growing up). They can therefore take mental notes to understand what they are dealing with and turn the tables in their favor, strategically. That could mean exiting the relationship unscathed, gathering enough documentation for a nice lawsuit, or just setting a very surprising boundary one say that causes the narc to go into a tailspin because this empath seems to be hard to control. The empath is not the bad guy here but the narc will sure think she is and smear her name, while the empath moves along in life and ends up donating part of the lawsuit proceeds to a worthy charity that helps abuse victims."
"A narci’s worst nightmare. They can’t resist the super empath because of the incomparable supply and stamina for abuse we have, but they fail to understand what that stamina and strength will do to them once it is turned towards them. We are not co-dependent. We have stronger narcissistic traits than the empath or co-dependent, which will surface once we have had enough of this maggot. This is known as the empathic supernova. Empathy for narci is gone and narci is now dealing with a force greater than hell itself. They have no chance. They know they are nothing. Once the super empath turns off her/his empathy for this sub human, it’s going to be clash of the titans. All their dramatic shit stirring explodes in their faces. Good luck with that narci. The narc won’t win. We are far stronger, have endless stamina, and now we are armed with knowledge of what this infantile beast really is. It’s priceless.

The super empath is capable of a very fulfilled and happy Life after narcissistic abuse. The narc, however, is doomed to lifetime of self loathing. Bouncing from person to person. Lying, cheating, stealing to get what they want because they are incapable and dependent creatures.

My narc has not enjoyed trying to Hoover myself and my twins. He is met with impenetrable opposition and ends up with yet another narci boo boo. He is in full blown narcissistic collapse. He even appears evil now. He lost his wife and his twins. We all had enough of his abuse. Now he is just on the receiving end of blow after blow after blow to his non-existent ego whenever he decides to rear his ugly head. This person is as malignant as they come and one sadistic freak. He would be ok if he would just go away, but every so often he tries to pop up with some new threats or some “intel” on you he has fabricated. Trying desperately to get a reaction of fear or anger or whatever. It’s pointless. He can’t trigger anymore. He only receives more rejection and experiences again loss of power he thought he would regain with the latest manipulation.

Now, my children are taking my last name. Something they’ve wanted since they were small. I’m the only parent they ever had and they want my name. Narci (due to his own stalking of their social media) learned of this and I’m assuming, had another meltdown. I’m sure this was a huge blow to him even tho my kids did not intend it that way. His public image is shit but he guards it over anything else….Its funny, yes I said funny. Not sad. They deserve every bit of shit they get. I’m sure he is humiliated and has told everyone I’m the crazy one for decades now….Point is, I don’t care. Literally the position of the super emapth’s supernova. We no longer care and we are far stronger than the cowardly, parasitic narc. He is finally leaving the state after 5 years of trying to re-establish Control. Ironically, he never had it to begin with.

The super empath has a very large capacity for light AND dark. Narci is no match."
"I am glad you asked this question, because I have been called an Empath, but am unclear what kind I am. The Empath Supernova, also referred to as the Heyoka Empath, or Super Empath, is a narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD accursed individual’s worst nightmare, but also their most attractive Empath target. They are stronger emotionally than the codependent Empath, and also stronger than the Empath, so they last longer than these two empath types when it comes to the gaslighting, and other forms of abuse heaped on them from narcissists. They behave in an empathic way. Thus they have alot more energy for a narcissist to gobble up, which, if they can, they will do so. The Heyoka Empath sees it as their job to help, fix, heal and bring goodness to those around them. This sounds like it could be what I might be, but I am unclear on it. They have a different constitution than the Empath and codependent Empath. While these two have some weak, low, narcissistic traits, they mostly have empathic traits. The Heyoka Empath has mostly strong Empathic traits, but more narcissistic traits than the other two types of Empaths have. Although they do not have as much narcissistic traits as those who are narcissists have. The Super Empath does not slide into decline or suddenly collapse like the other two Empath types. Like all relationships with a narcissist, there comes a critical point, but the Super Empath then decides enough is enough. They either leave, or fight back, dimming their Empathic traits. Then, knowing the narcissist’s need for fuel,will not let him or her get any from them. Also, having learned from the narcissist how to manipulate, they will manipulate, or try to, manipulate, the narcissist. They will strike against the narcissist, blow uon blow, wound upon wound, criticizing the narcissist. Some narcissists discard and find a new source to use as supply immediately. Others engage in a battle of wills with the Super Empath. Each applies what it knows and has learned. The result is the Heyoka leaves when she or he beleives she or he has scarred the narcissist, or realizing for now only a stalemate can be attained, the narcissist breaks off, discards the Super Empath, and finds a new primary source. But he will be back, if he can, with the intent to rejoin the battle and bring the Super Empath to better behavior. Narcissists love drama, drama, drama."


as an actual heyoka emapth 100 percent sure and even more verified because I have had a vision from the thundergod(s)  a couple years ago-->  that was mixed with christian themes because I would not have accepted anything else except for Jesus and christian stuff as "pure and good and right and true" back then-->  we do not have narcissistic or psychopathic traits and we are pure of heart,  but we can and will mirror other people's narcissistic and psychopathic traits to bring subconscious toxicity and illness into the collective consciousness of humanity and do our best to help influencing the soul integration and healing and spiritual healing of those around us who are sick and in pain



last edit on 9/12/2023 8:24:33 PM
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