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what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medicine)

Posts: 346


(My heyoka empath vision came during a plane ride outside of the window of the plane from Los Angeles to the east coast a couple years ago,  and I cannot remember if I wrote about it on this forum or not)


k here is the article pasted



The Inverted Power of Heyoka Medicine
Gary Z McGee
“Heyoka shows the Sacred Mirror and shatters the glass between worlds.” ~ Axis and the Undernet

Mirror shower. Inverted bow. Coup counter. Coyote throat. Culture breaker. Abyss tryst. Wound wielder. Thunderbird born. Crow tongue. Utopia usurper. Prodigal sun.

Heyoka moves between worlds, baffling the affable, amazing the baffled. Building broken bridges made stronger at the broken places. Channeling Mystery. Twisting ashes. Transforming hearts into wombs.

Heyoka is primordial energy. A particular counterintuitive energy that bucks and bends, shocks and twists, jolts and mends. It’s in your face. It is your face. Its mask reveals the fact that we are “masks all the way down perceiving delusions all the way up.”

This type of energy hurts as it heals. It burns as it slakes. It disassembles as it reassembles. It grabs you by the throat, choking you into wakefulness. It is not pretend enlightenment. It is ruthless, relentless, Rubicon-esc in its exact menace. It’s not gentle but it is sincere.

And if it has chosen you? Well then, you have absolutely no choice. Do you? You are doom-honored into taking up its mantle, or you are forever swallowed by its shadow.

This article, covers the following topics :
Heyoka is not “taught” but initiated:
Heyoka is between worlds:
Heyoka is its own enemy
Heyoka brings storm and renewal

Heyoka is not “taught” but initiated:

“When a vision comes from the thunder beings of the West, it comes with terror like a thunderstorm; but when the storm of vision has passed, the world is greener and happier; for wherever the truth of vision comes upon the world, it is like a rain. The world, you see, is happier after the terror of the storm.” ~ Black Elk

Heyoka medicine cannot be premeditated. It is foremost a universal force of nature. The medicine chooses its host: a conduit to forces that defy comprehension. It comes in the form of an initiation. Usually through a powerful vision or out-of-body experience. And usually experienced during a lightning-charged, thunder-infused, fasting meditation. (Here is my experience.)

The vision seizes you. Like the forces of nature have come together to uproot you out of sick-culture and slam you into cruel-nurture. It is visceral, fierce, uncontrollable, and unexplainable. Even now, words fail me. For Heyoka cannot be contained. It is not a thing which can be contained. It’s hot lightning. It is fundamental. It is primordial. It is primal. It is the sweet mockery hidden behind all things.

And once it seizes you, you have no choice but to seize it, or die. You cannot, must not, ignore it. Otherwise, it breaks you. It will probably break you anyway, but there is a difference between breaking and becoming stronger and breaking and being broken forever. In the spirit of breaking and becoming stronger, Heyoka medicine moves through its hosts in a way that is so profoundly reflective that the host has no choice but to become a mirror.

The spirit of Heyoka is a Great Mirror. This mirror becomes a reflection of the world, subsuming it, discovering it, consuming it, to no end. Thus does Heyoka teach itself, inverting the world into edible power.

Heyoka is between worlds:

“Being a sacred clown gives you honor, but also shame. It brings you great power, but you have to pay for it.” ~ Lame Deer

Heyoka is between worlds like no other. Even shamans are puzzled. One foot in this world and one foot in all others, Heyoka moves and moves well. A shimmer. A glimmer. A shammer. A glamour. Gleefully disillusioned while snuffing out all delusions. Spilling over into a great overflowing. Juxtaposing juxtapositions in joyous jolts of jouissance.

Heyoka is both teacher and student, foolish and wise, ignorant and enlightened. Fountainhead aflutter, roots a clutter, Heyoka is a doorway running through the middle of the human condition. Both entrance (door) and entrance (enchanted). But, adventurer beware, Heyoka is just as happy to slam that door in your face as to open it. So, you better come correct.

Heyoka pulls Heaven down and Hell up, forcing a profane (sacred) union of opposites. Angels choke on halos. Demons get hard pressed into diamonds. God gets lost in the brambles. The devil’s heart becomes heavy with light. Meanwhile, Heyoka laughs and laughs and laughs. His shadow so gray it glows.

Heyoka is its own enemy

“O, full of scorpions in my mind.” ~ Shakespeare

Heyoka is a daredevil, par excellence. Shooting itself in the daredevil foot. Devil-may-care with a demi-god stare. Cartwheeling on a crow’s wing. Hijacking Coyote’s trickster tactics. Subsuming symbolism and twisting it into inscrutable satire. Defying cultural laws with fierce frivolity.

Rubbing powermonger’s noses in the stink of their own shit. Heyoka medicine is at its best when daring the Powers That Be to do their worst. Then Heyoka absorbs the worst with a humor of the most high.

Heyoka is an exalted form of martyrdom. Eventually, Heyoka trips itself. How could it not? And why would it not? For Heyoka knows that it is in the tripping, in the fall from grace, in the broken pieces of shattered soul, where vivid, raw, wholesome wisdom lies. It’s where the shadow’s gold glimmers. Where wounds are transformed into wisdom. Where the heart is inverted into a womb. It’s where ash gives birth to Phoenix.

Heyoka brings storm and renewal

“Rebels play a useful social role; at least they voice our collective concern and make us aware of our collective guilt. But the acknowledgement of guilt is not enough.” ~ Rene Dubos

Heyoka is a beautiful chaos, transforming the way Transformation itself works. The Great Mystery moves through Heyoka like hot smoke. When this smoke meets a golden calf or a parochial pattern, or an outdated system that’s clogging up the cultural dynamic, it comes in hard like an angry storm.

Born of thunderstorms, brother of Thunderbird, Heyoka channels this power and levels the playing field. Nothing is sacred except Everything. All that matters is harmony. Where before the storm, everything was disconnected, serious, vulgar, profane; after the storm, everything is connected to everything else: sincere, healthy, sacred. Through Heyoka’s profane act arises sacred alignment. Just as planned.

And so it is that Heyoka usurps all thrones, topples all pedestals, kneecaps all high horses. Heyoka is Sweet God killer. Human-law breaker. Laying low all fat egos. Steamrolling self-seriousness into authentic sincerity. Squaring the circle in order to remain ahead of the curve.

And Heyoka is needed now more than ever. Koyanasiquatsi (Hopi for life out of balance) is a very real wasteland. It surrounds us on all fronts. We are beleaguered with sickness, plagued with dis-ease, overwhelmed by anti-wisdom. Heyoka is here to resurrect the Great Mystery, to bring Mother Nature back into sacred alignment with human nature: stabat mater (Latin for mother stood, or the mother who will never abandon her post). But for many of us, it will be a tough pill to swallow. And that’s where Heyoka comes in, to harshly, but humorously, shove it down our throats.



last edit on 9/7/2023 1:06:01 AM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...

teehee  :p  yeah obviously I am a heyoka empath



last edit on 9/7/2023 1:09:42 AM
Posts: 346
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A Heyoka in the Native American culture is an ‘energetic’ healer who encompasses all of the sacred gifts from the Divine Creator (God). It originates directly from the Lakota Sioux tribe. Every indigenous culture has a term for the tribal medicine man or woman, but the term Heyoka is rooted only in the Lakota Sioux tribe. Heyoka prefer to dedicate their life to the servitude of God, healing, and as a facilitator of change in the chaos of life.

A Heyoka is a true calling as a healer and one that does not come simply by appointment. It is due to characteristics of the Heyoka, the use of Thunder Being medicine as well as their profound spiritual abilities to help them navigate a life that was chosen for them rather than one they chose for themselves.

This is both a spiritually appointed title as well as a tribal appointment that is of honor, and is upheld in the highest regard. In traditional Lakota custom the Heyoka is appointed by the tribal leader; usually a male member of the tribe, oftentimes a generational medicine man. The custom is passed down with honor from father to son, or tribal elder to the identified member of the Lakota Sioux tribe. In turn, he is responsible for carrying the “medicine bundle” and assuming this healing and prophetic role within the tribe.

The path of the Heyoka is not “trendy” nor is it something you can decide you want to be. It is a title that is earned and a path that is chosen for you, not the other way around. The Heyoka is often revered as one of the most dynamic healers within the tribal communities throughout history. Two historical Heyoka from the Lakota Sioux tribe are Chief Crazy Horse and Chief Black Elk.

I am not Native American, nor am I a male. This title was given to me by Lakota Sioux Elders in spirit. At the time, I had no understanding of what I was being told until my path and the title given to me unfolded and were in harmony with one another. This is a path where the earthly dimension collides with the spiritual dimensions and have been forged in fire. Fire can burn and destroy or fire can benefit and sustain life with it’s eternal flame.

The Heyoka are sometimes called “the sacred clown” or a “trickster” which is an inaccurate definition by today’s societal structure. They are known to provoke change in those whose spirit has been damaged or broken by suffering, and create insight into the personal dynamics of an ever-changing destiny. The Heyoka, as a contrarian, negates side stepping political correctness and is more concerned about the healing that needs to happen. They are straight forward in their approach to the vast nature of suffering and individualized root causes.

The trendy term of “heyoka empath” is a title that has no basis in tribal customs, nor in the Lakota Elders in life or in spirit, and is a concept that has evolved over the years is and has no origin within the Lakota tribe. The term “Heyoka ” is indicative of a person within the Lakota tradition. The term “heyoka empath” is NOT a term used or recognized by the Lakota Sioux. There is an assumption that the term Heyoka is universal and can be randomly applied. This is a false teaching that misrepresents the Heyoka of the Lakota tribe. It has been gaining speed in trying to keep up with humanitarian trends for an understanding of empathic abilities and the ways in which they manifest.

The Heyoka has the ability to demonstrate an “outside the box thinking” through the exploration of shadow “medicine”. Gazing into a Divine mirror of truth often brings about very raw emotions which are sometimes buried deep within the psyche. The agent of change in the way they heal others is one that includes unadulterated reflection as well as rigorous honesty. Finding an unobstructed path of transformation depends on the individual’s willingness and readiness. If done so with complete abandoned, they can explore their true fate and allow pertinent aspects of change to rise to the surface.

A heyoka is thought to be a spiritual wildcard in the capacity of the spiritual abilities bestowed upon them. They have the capacity to discern and dominate energy that is more often than not misunderstood, and is often described as a dance type of feeling. It is not intentional or purposeful , it just simply is who ( not how) the heyoka is.

The Heyoka are gifted healers through working directly with the spirit world after their own sometimes very painful healing journey. They are blessed and utilized as a Divine conduit for healing and address the whole being which has endured a tremendous amount of suffering. They rely on the Divine Creator (God) to restore light and wholeness, providing a clear sense of direction to those seeking help and in need.

There is a strong aspect of great visions and respect of those visions. While the Thunderbeing is not a “real” God created animal, the heyoka understands the visions/medicine of and from the thunderbeings. This is perhaps the most sacred, for a number of reasons. There are also iron clad bonds to sacred animal totems during visions and understanding nature.

Heyoka have answered a calling to walk into the unknown with a strong faith that whatever they may endure is part of their fate. They recognize the destructive and disheartening aspects of humanity and the effects it has on Creation. They are deeply spiritual in their beliefs and steadfast in their faith. As a conduit to facilitate change, God uses the Heyoka to lead, guide, direct, touch,heal and change.

The Heyoka is sometimes viewed externally, as an emotional trigger to encourage people to unearth deep, unhealed, and emotional wounds that they are unaware of. The healing ‘medicine’ of the Heyoka, is often one that has the ability to mirror the behavior of others while bringing misplaced energy to the surface. Sometimes this will engage a person’s insecurities, flaws, faults, or weaknesses to rise to the surface, allowing the opportunity to energetically transition to a place where they can absorb wisdom and healing energies. Their ability to sense heavy and destructive energy presents with the opportunity to transmute misplaced energy that is responsible for varying degrees of dysfunction. Therefore, this can sometimes feel disruptive during the discovery process but is executed with only the highest degree of loving kindness. The alchemy of change can be very subtle over time and have a dramatic effect; which ideally will lead to a life filled with Divine light and vibrancy.

The Heyoka heals entirely without judgement. They often express themselves through a mindset of purely authentic self discovery while holding this space to compassionately wake a person up and jolt them out of their linear thinking. They objectify darkness and expose it to light through faith and servitude to God. They have a deep understanding of suffering and embrace healing as their true calling. Life is a series of ups and downs, as we are all a mixture of many experiences and personalities, and there is no one that lives a “perfect” existences.

Their belief is that nobody is enlightened, as enlightenment is a journey, not a destination. They show us how we are all a teacher and student at the same time, and that none of us know everything—as soon as someone thinks they do, their mind becomes narrow, limited, or closed to learning.

Heyoka have an inherent, natural skill that allows them to evoke the greatest revelations and provide people with the opportunity to discover deep, personal, and ancient knowledge through the use of chaos and contrarian humor. They are spiritual teachers whose role as a healer oftentimes ruffle feathers and upset the status quo. Understanding one’s higher purpose isn’t always recognizable or instantly understood. For many, this comes from patterns of behavior that are or have been problematic. Changing one’s trajectory can feel very disruptive and requires, surrender,patience, endurance and perseverance. Through a personal quest for knowledge and healing, one will then receive the opportunity to begin demolishing patterns of behaviors that no longer serve them. Rigid mental structures are recognized and released, and an understanding of discernment teaches one to question strict and silent social rules and regulations that have been a destructive thread in life. A fearless embracement of life is the optimal goal which develops the ability to see the beauty in the unfamiliar and unexpected. Lastly, to enjoy and live life, while simultaneously learning to accept all aspects of their unique, paradoxical personality.
last edit on 9/7/2023 1:45:22 AM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...

my prominant spirit animals at the moment are the coyote and the heyena and the crow and the eagle



last edit on 9/7/2023 1:45:47 AM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...

umm-  I like to repeat the mantras of the energies of fulfilled needs and fulfilled values that would contribute to balancing my personal energies at the time for myself personally



last edit on 9/7/2023 1:47:31 AM
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...
what heyoka energy is like
17:33 She: Guys.... something is going on with me

17:34 She: My mother violated my boundaries and gave me unsolicited advice after I told her that she does not have permission to give me unsolicited advice ever and that she has to ask permission and I say yes for her to give me advice

17:36 She: And so the unsolicited advice was "two wrongs don't make a right" and "if you get evicted the only two options are me moving back into my grandmother's house with her and my grandmother

17:37 She: When she knows full well that I am extremely allergic to mold and ehatever else is in that house to the point that I cannot breathe, I get vertigo and my sinuses get seberely congested super bad AND I get a severe ezcema rash all over my body

17:37 She: And I told her....

17:38 She: I Am doing absolutely nothing wrong. If I was the police woukd have been wrong or I would havr got a notice

17:39 She: I Am doing absolutely nothing wrong. If I was the police woukd have been wrong or I would have got a notice

17:39 She: NEVER, EVER give me unsolicited advice again. If I was doing ANYTHING wrong at all EVER, the Poluce or management would talk to me about it and give me a warning

17:40 She: You DO NOT have their jobs, And you DO NOT Have any authority over what is right or wrong. Keep your disgusting nastyiness to yourself and Never violate my boundaries again

17:40 She: Shut up youre nasty and gross

17:40 She: I will slit both grandma's and yours throats and burn down her entire house before I ever even step FOOT in that house again. Do you understand that ? Am I making myself clear ?

17:41 She: Hmm ?

17:41 She: I am joking, and the point is that I would rather be in prison than ever be around you or grandma again

17:41 She: Haha, My jokes are hilarious

17:41 She: God adores me

17:41 She: Now keep your toxic nastyness away from me

17:42 She: Are you understanding me Now ?

17:42 She: Bye !

17:42 She: " end quote soo yeah I think that I really need help or an intervention or something

17:43 She: Ans she said

17:43 She: And she texted*

17:43 She: "How dare you talk that way about me or GRANDMA

17:43 She: You think this is a joke?

17:43 She: You have gone too far

17:44 She: "

17:44 She: And I texted "You are BOTH Jokes to me

17:44 She: And she texted

17:45 She: I am not helping you anymore

17:45 She: And I texted "You disgust me

17:45 She: and she texted "You are on your own

17:46 She: And I texted "you BOTH disgust me

17:46 She: And she texted "I am done caring

17:46 She: You are an ungrateful angry person"

17:46 She: And I texted "No one cares

17:47 She: Tell that to yourself

17:47 She: Nah Thats what you are"

17:48 She: And she texted "I am blocking for at least a few days. Since I seem to be the cause of your ruined life and continued misery, I am pulling suppirt

17:49 She: No emails to (my rental management company about having my apartment room put on the market)

17:49 She: You are in charge of your life

17:49 She: No emails to (the rental management company about having my apartment room put on the market)

17:50 She: (not my* lmao anyway ocd trait stuff)

17:50 She: You are in charge of your life

17:50 She: You are free

17:50 She: Free

17:50 She: Free"

17:51 She: soo yeah guuuuuuuys....

17:52 She: In all fairness she purposefully violated my boundaries that we had just discussed the night before on a phone call and texting- She purposefully did what she did she did not "forget" becayse she continued on after I reminded her

17:52 She: And I am freaking serious about my boundaries yo

17:53 She: soo yeah >.> No regrets tbh I do not perceive that I did or said anything wrong at all

17:53 She: I do have a dark sense of humor though teehee :p

17:55 She: Anyway I love y'all! and ai hope that you all have an amazing awesome week full of wonderment and blessings and peace and hope 🥰🥰🎉🌈

17:55 She: Ttyl sc 🤍🕊
Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...
17:36 She: And so the unsolicited advice was "two wrongs don't make a right" and "if you get evicted the only two options are me moving back into my grandmother's house with her and my grandmother

17:37 She: When she knows full well that I am extremely allergic to mold and ehatever else is in that house to the point that I cannot breathe, I get vertigo and my sinuses get seberely congested super bad AND I get a severe ezcema rash all over my body

What else is she supposed to do when you're hemorrhaging her income? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...
02:37 She: "When I'm done with you you'll know what I've been through because of you" <-- My like life motto In supernova heyoka empath mode

02:37 She: It's nothing personal- It's life preservation and there is a point when a woman becomes sick and tired of Narcissistic abuse and just stops participating and focuses in her own healing instead

02:39 She: soo that she can attract with her healed higher vibration people that are welcoming and receptive of her healing powers and GIVE BACK healing as well--> reciprocal peacefulness and lovingness and compassion and wellbeing and collaborating

02:40 She: influencing and promoting type of people instead
last edit on 9/12/2023 3:56:30 AM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: what heyoka energy is like (the inverted power of heyoka medic...
17:36 She: And so the unsolicited advice was "two wrongs don't make a right" and "if you get evicted the only two options are me moving back into my grandmother's house with her and my grandmother

17:37 She: When she knows full well that I am extremely allergic to mold and ehatever else is in that house to the point that I cannot breathe, I get vertigo and my sinuses get seberely congested super bad AND I get a severe ezcema rash all over my body

What else is she supposed to do when you're hemorrhaging her income? 


Turncoat,  If she would have been contributing to my emotional and psychological and spiritual needs in a fulfilling way all along I would be probably be perfectly able to take care of myself financially and otherwise...  I was threatened with death  (punishment in the form of lack of physical needs being met as an infant and toddler and child and then throughout the rest of my life as I suffered extreme trauma to my soul because of this) If I asked for my perfectly healthy emotional and psychological and spiritual needs to be met or Illuminated when they were not being met and lied to and deceived that I was not worthy of my healthy normal needs being met because I was "bad" (christianity plus other psychological abuse indoctrinating me to believe that I was inherently evil and that is why my needs were not being fulfilled- totally not my biological parents fault at all right like they had no responsibility to nurture their child right  ??)  and all of that shattered my soul-  I would be soo much healthier if none of this happened to me that you probably would not even recognize me....



last edit on 9/12/2023 3:55:56 AM
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