Welcome to the I am not in Solitary confinement anymore thread, where I express myself and try my best to express with people who have never been in Solitary confinement, what it feels like to me as someone who was in Solitary confinement for six years every single day, to no longer be in solitary confinement and what escaping that truly is like from my own perspective as an autistic woman. And yes my autism has a lot to do with that perspective in the way is shaped and the angle I look at it from. I will also be expressing what solitary confinement was like for me, what it's like to be free, wat being a labrat was really like and what it is like to be an autistic woman for me.
The im not in Solitary confinement thread
🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on
9/3/2023 12:18:50 PM