we are said to be chosen by nonreligious unconditionally loving God to embody all of the qualities of nonreligious unconditionally loving God such as unconditional love, compassion, peacefulness, beneficialness, benevolence, healing and nurturing to souls, collaboration, co creating, conscious relationships, integration, unity, oneness, we are all One and we are all unconditionally loving creator God and unconditionally loving creator God is One and also in everything and in everyone including myself and and soo on as in everything / everyone is/are unconditionally loving crestor God)
we reflect and mirror people's subconscious "negative" energy that is not in alignment with unconditional love and all of the qualities of God (pain, fear based beliefs, hateful beliefs and soo on) by behaving like.... idiots, fools, clowns, etc because that is what is going on in people's subconsciouses- and we add shock and humor because shock and laughterespecially combined is super powerfully healing because it snaps people out of their autopilot robot like machine like "unawakened" mode of being that it can be difficult to keep from slipping into for most people
turkey spirit animal would make sense and why I chose my first username now makes soo much sense because I had a longing to accept and embrace my personality and life purpose- the turquoise part of my username had to do with the throat chakra and speaking healing truths, and the 94 which came from my first username turquie94 represented 1994 my birth year and so I suppose accepting the time period that I am living in
what is subconscious that is brought to consciousness can then be integrated and healed- which is what I myself as well as all heyoka empath try our best to influence- healing, we are healers and very powerful healers at that
singing, loving and enjoying music, dancing, and being very dramatic and over the top as in acting (pretending to be many different characters depending on the situation whatever the situation we are given to focus our healing energies on) are common personality traits of heyoka emapths
we also tend to teach by doing things backwards, opposite and contrary to social norms, and even stuff like dyslexia and being born breech (feet first) and being left handed are common- I am not dyslexic and I was not born breech and I am not left handed- mine are unintentionally mispelling words when typing and writing that I know the correct writing of, using the opposite word of what I mean sometimes (these are why I commonly edit my posts), I have scoliosis and my s curve is to the right, I wear the same clothes over and over besides panties (yes I wash them regularly) and I have multiple of the same clothes and I wear warm clothes in the summer these are just my natural stuff and not done for ceremonious purposes- in native American tribes it was common for those in a ceremonious role to purposefully do even more stuff opposite from my research- and they were accepted and honored and feared and also ridiculed sometimes obviously by their communities and had a very important role in their communities unfortunately my caucasian ethnicity culuture was not very respectful and nurturing and supportive of my personality type and it has taken me a long time to heal because of this but regardless I have been making rapid progress in self-healing especially lately
very satirical personalities, a lot of pranking, trickster stuff (which I used to consider "trolling" and I now have a very different perspective on this since I have become aware of the healing reasons for why I push people's buttons so to speak- it is actually to assist people in their souls integrating and healing vs like a psychopath that does pretty much everything to influence destructive and splitting / fragmenting people's souls) and mocking that which is not in alignment with the qualities of unconditionally loving creator God and divine life energy
heyoka empaths even mock their own personal behavior Lmao (which is of course behavior intending to shock and mock the behaviors of everyone else around them that are not in alignment with the qualities of unconditionally loving creator God and divine life energy)