Smart Plate and Interactive Floating Objects
"Smart plate" a QR device that communicates what is on the plate food wise gives a nice presented page about the dish and everything in it how its made, history about originated blah blah and about the chef who prepared it. For boujee restaurants to share their cullinary art, since everyone likes taking pictures and sharing their food, could have its own app even for people who love the cullinary arts.
And then when you upload the photo, it automatically adds a package to photo of information from the QR device to the file, and can automatically upload the information and tag it all in the social media apps you upload it to. So it'll be compatible with all the mainstream apps.
The QR devices are "editable" at any time, and are like an apple air tag that goes inside the plate.
so the plate has a base, and then a top plate that the food is on has a curved shape on the bottom of it. so the two plates enclose the device and it locks that way so people can't steal the thing out.
Obviously having this concept of a plate that can communicate with electronic devices, the capacity for ideas here is limitless in terms of AI ideas, related to nutrition, health and, recent development in apps that are designed to assist people with understanding what to eat (like Nutrisense, which is a device that goes on your arm and tells you what your body specifically needs to eat to lose weight at the current time? not sure how perfect it is but, at least its an idea thats out there, even if its in its most crude early stages of development)
obviously weightloss nutrition and medical stuff is really complicated, and also, the concept of having things on plates without people somehow choking on them (getting them approved to even be allowed..., like they have rules about everything on the plate has to be edible in the states at least) and, being compatible with a fast paced restaurant business without adding extra hassle to the business would be difficult. and lastly just, making it so that people can't steal them, hack them, or break them. lol
so it's a really complicated idea, it's also really simple, and i'm sure it's been thought of before. there's probably a more efficient way to do it than describes that would have wider application potentiality behind it, like to be placed on clothing tags and, even fast food packaging.
But yeah in case you didn't know, they do have hovering plates, so that's fun. And yes, some light up or have underglow, or all sorts of lighting related decorative details.
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And in case, you were wondering, lol. Yes, floating islands in the sky are possible, according to current science anyway, and yes, they're planning on building them. Right now they exist as an idea for "luxury resort" stay, but there may come a time where, some people just live in the sky permanently on floating islands.
Is this probably dangerous to mess with? Yeah, considering... there's other things at play when it comes to physics and forces, impacting variables that we may not even know about or how to measure or predict... there's still stuff we don't know, especially about physics, and we know that for certain. lol
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A close up of a bunch of objects floating in the air by generative AI
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Floating Cloud Speaker
Play floating chess, or have a floating stacks of books