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I turned 20

Posts: 1471

I joined this website when I was 17


I hope you feel old, you faggots

professional retard :)
Posts: 75
0 votes RE: I turned 20

I joined this website when I was 17


I hope you feel old, you faggots

 when I was 17 I was busy fucking girls, hope you feel sad, faggot

Posts: 1471
0 votes RE: I turned 20
janitor said: 

I joined this website when I was 17


I hope you feel old, you faggots

 when I was 17 I was busy fucking girls, hope you feel sad, faggot

 Life isn't all about fucking, what are you, some kind of rabbit? It's sad how you think this is some kind of flex. When I was 17, I was happy, hope you could ever have a resemblance of that once in your life, faggot

professional retard :)
Posts: 2481
0 votes RE: I turned 20

You’ll still always be our little retard.

Posts: 33616
0 votes RE: I turned 20
janitor said: 

I joined this website when I was 17

I hope you feel old, you faggots

 when I was 17 I was busy fucking girls, hope you feel sad, faggot

 Life isn't all about fucking, what are you, some kind of rabbit?

Darwin would beg to differ. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 51
0 votes RE: I turned 20

Twink death is approaching

Posts: 2
0 votes RE: I turned 20

Ursula said:


Twink death is approaching

And looks also fade at 20. unless you have really good genes you will notice you have probably gotten a lot more uglier. 20s are fucking depressing as hell. Late teens and early 20s are some suicide inducing shit especially if you’re stupid.

late teens is when you get adult responsibility shoved down your throat then early twenties is when you’re shoved into the real world left to fend for yourself and you either make it granted that you have good friends decent money you have wisdom and a tolerable environment or you completely break it. If you’re in a bad environment in your 20s then forget it, your Early 20s become suicidal inducing hell, what you once thought was freedom is quite possibly the most constrained, depressing load of shit you can go through.

my advice for people in there early 20s is get a job, if you’re unemployed life really seems dull blank meaningless And what not. You don’t really snap out of this bullshit.


if you do however go through your early 20s suicidal and depressed then it doesn’t get any better in your mid 20s. And if the problems you have had at your early 20s are not resolved then in your mid 20s the need for control over your life becomes even greater and greater and soon you can snap.  Irrationality, emotional difficulties, anger and even serious drug addictions can occur. Your 20s are truly truly some of the most difficult periods of your life. You see people growing changing, losing there lives or even having a better life. I’m so glad to be 33 out of my 20s what a fucking miserable time of my life.

my whole entire 20s where spent recovering from stupid decisions made in my late teenage years, then recovering from the mass quantities of drug abuse I did from late teens to early twenties. Your mid 20s if you abused your youth and did a lot of stupid things you will certainly have felt the toll on your body. You are no longer a vibrant person but yet a washed up version of what you once was. If you were successful in your late teens and early 20s forget it that successful person you once was no longer applies. At mid 20s you hit a grand reset. In my late teens I had a pretty rough life and I had a pretty rough life in my early 20s. It wasn’t until i turned 23 and 2 months away from my birthday did I become an overnight success. Nice car, nice lady, a luxurious brand new house rented out with 


Once I reached 24 I looked at my life and realised this all meant nothing and our versions off success when we are this young is totally skewed. I had lost my job, my success and my girlfriend as soon as I reached 24.

This is why when you turn 25 everything changes. You strive for more you become a very determined individual and if you don’t become determined then you become these things. You become homeless, you become a junkie or you turn into a very bitter violent and angry individual or you stay stuck in a healing mode. This healing mode is basically you in pause recovering from the stupid shit you did from 16 - 24. This recovery period can take as long as 6 months or even 5 years. Listen the mistakes you once made as a younger person will come back to your ass and bite you in your mid 20s but at the same time your body, your life and your mind still has chance to heal.


THIS IS WHAT I AM TELLING YOU. You have the chances to make an infinite number of mistakes during your early 20s granted you don’t get caught for rape or murder. You can live your 20s as recklessly as you want. But once you reach the age of 25. You really really need to be extra careful of the mistakes you make. You need to be smarter because at the age of 25 is basically when your body can no longer go on heal mode. So be very careful. If you think your life is ruined at 20 and you have made decision don’t be stupid.

just make sure that once you reach 25 do not repeat the same mistakes you made during your very early adult years.


tl;dr your late teens early twenties can either be amazing or shitty. But everything done during these periods don’t count. Unless you have lost your legs, have been lobotomised, or have a very severe brain injury then everything is reversible. I can tell you in my early adult years 16 - 24 I have been in 13 car crashes I have had 15 near fatal overdoses and I have been in tons of fights. Do not ask me why! A sudden Urge to live life on the edge and being a hardcore drug user had definitely impacted my decision making. 

but once 25 hit I immediately knew I had to stop being stupid. I quit all drugs cold turkey, I slowed life down, I calmed my impulses and relaxed on my being s total weird. By the time I turned 26 I actually found a good job got a good education and my health had completely resolved itself by the time I turned 27. Was I worried when I was 24 YES. I thought I would be stuck being a completed demented idiotic drug addicted moron. But actually after coming off the drugs by swearing that this was just apart of me being young and dumb I had called it quits and decided to finally GROW THE FUCK UP! I counted my blessings, I could still walk, I could still see and I could still hear despite having my head whacked in with a baseball bat more than 30 times, despite injecting lots of heroin into my veins and despite smoking crystal meth all the time and despite having multiple visits to prisons over 5 visits. I realised that I couldn’t keep going on like this forever and I saw that if this continued that I would completely lose my freedom that means imprisonment. I wisened up, decided I didn’t want to go through life being violent towards people and getting my skull crushed with a baseball bat one too many times and got a job and settled my life! 

I found a job, found a girlfriend and healed after almost 3 years. And oh boy was it very very very emotional for me. I cried and sobbed almost every night at 27 years old all my memories of harming people and people retaliating for them I caused them, all the selfish times I overdosed on heroin and had my family worried fucking sick to there minds everyone everyone. I fucking cried man, I had major depression dude. At 24 I thought I would be stuck the way I was forever and at 25 I was worried things might not changed but everything healed and as my memory recovered so did my emotions, so did my humanity, so did my personality. The once violent out of control drug addicted demented asshole I was, was no more. I kid you not. If you have been a selfish asshole and you don’t have a recollection of it and people try to tell u. Then just wait until u finally hit ur mid 20s you either call it quits or then you truly commit life suicide and pave way for a horrible life. 


1. DONT TAKE DRUGS THAT INCLUDES WEED. Only use weed when you can use it responsibly and you know your body.




ultimately you will realise if you have been a selfish asshole people will only tolerate so much from you and you will be forced with 2 decisions quit your stupid bullshit now or lose everything and everyone who u truly ever loved FOREVER. NOT ONLY THAT BUT LOSE UR MENTAL INSANITY LOSE UR BRAIN AND LOSE UR PERSONALITY.

REALIZE EVERYTHING CAN BE HEALED BUT ONLY IF U CALL IT QUITS BEFORE U HIT 30. if things have been really extreme then call it quits more earlier the more mistakes hopefully the more wisdom builds up in your brain that u call it quits earlier if not u fucked urself.



What I’m trying to say is your 20s are not enjoyable at all. And I have come very close several times to fucking killing myself. 

now let me just say this being in your thirties is fucking awesome actually. I have a 2 children now first one at 30 and second one at 32. I can say that I am absolutely fucking blessed so fucking blessed. I honestly fucking thought that I would be screwed for life. My boy life is such a fucking learning curve. Never ever ever get carried away with pleasure ever ever! 

I learned I want good health, happiness a stable life and a good social support system. Which I have now! I live in a beautiful house with 2 kids, good neighbours, good friends, I am way more confident than I ever was. My fucking health is insane, I started exercising  and have an insane physique(without steroids). I have an amazing job that I absolutely love!


now compare that to when I was 16 - 24.

Drug addicted, violent, angry, depressed, psychotic, lonely, promiscuous, lack of confidence, loneliness.

my heart goes out to all the young people struggling it’s fucking insane. Never ever underestimate the effects your actions can have on your on life. You might undermine the power of certain actions, but once you reach 25 you will be hit with a sudden decision making process either proceed with what you’re doing fully knowing it will and can destroy your life or cease all nefarious activities and finally began to heal yourself. My friend I CHOSE TO HEAL.



tl;dr in your early adult years it’s not about what u do it’s about what u don’t do. Refrain. That’s all I can say bro, absolutely refrain.

A buddy once almost killed himself after ruining his hormonal system with heavy steroid abuse. But after abstaining from them for 2 and a half years his hormonal system is back intact. He said he was young naive and stupid.

Posts: 2
0 votes RE: I turned 20

Tl;dr you can fuck around when your younger. But once you hit 25 you have to make a core decision before it’s too late. By the time you’re 25 you have one final chance to redeem your health, your emotional well-being and your personality.

basically what I’m saying is you can get away with a lot of self abuse at a young adult age. Aslong as you don’t get your legs amputated, get lobotomised or have a heart attack.

Although I don’t recommend it because it actually becomes difficult as you get older and the recovery process is very tiresome although u do get your wits about you again. Good luck!

Just to note do not let bitches destroy your life. Because that is what nearly happened my whole life was nearly destroyed by a bitch. I had my head smashed in with a baseball bat over 5 times and also had a gang of Mexican thugs beat the shit out of me including throwing bricks on my head. All because of u guessed it a stupid bitch and her stupid mouth! Be careful out there! 


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