1. I generally side with Tony as he has values and stands for what he says and I respect that. Whereas TC is motivated just solely by getting a reaction out of people and takes whatever stance just to drain as much energy from others as possible. It is parasitic behavior which I do not respect. TC hates Tony because of past mod/power struggles so I am flagged as enemy
2. TC would love to be a therapist. He even took psychology classes and tried to front his knowledge in the past. Of course for reasons I dont need to write here he is not going to do anything with it etc. which is why he is triggered by a successful example of his desired career path
3. some examples where I pointed out his vulnerabilities and he could not handle it. Example one: That one discussion about ICD-10/DSM 5 criteria where he could not say anything anymore and I let the matter drop because I generally do not get joy out of humiliating others. Example two: His schizo episode thinking I am Edvard. Dude tried to claim it wasn't so when he got clear again but he was very convinced. You can still sense that he thinks I am a puppet after altogether +2500 posts here, he constantly mentions things like 'dude seems fake to me' and stuff like this. It's sub psychotic but you can still see it.
there may be other reasons but these are confirmed