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My fall from SC grace, a tragic story.

Posts: 2278

As I observe the current state of affairs on SC as it pertains to me; my relationship with the community, my attitude towards them, how many friends and enemies I have... and compare them to how they were last fall, I must conclusively admit that is is objectively worse in every aspect. I won't play the blame game here, but look onto the cause and effect within myself and the result on my reputation.

And so, there was me in fall 2018; I must admit I had far more free time. I had not met delora yet, I was a shut-in who did nothing but study, and I was incredibly bored but over-active in my mind and in need of some way to channel my rushing thoughts, I turned to SC to exhibit them in concise, orgnanized, and creative ways. This resulted in massive success; high views, lots of attention, positive feedback from other users. Everybody commented in my threads, every single one was a smash hit, and almost everyone had something terrific to say about me. Then came the senate race....

I had no idea how serious some were taking the senate. I'll admit I made a game out of it and this allowed me to conduct a choreographed and over the top campaign that really hooked people in and racked up the views. Sadly, this resulted in me making enemies and actual hurt feelings when I went too far against Inq and MissC, and even risked my relationship with delora. But overall things were going alright after this. Until..... the delora-cx stream.

The intense mockery I recieved both here and on youtube during that time broke me, and caused me to react with rage and declare certain people on SC enemies. The way I handled that situation definitely damaged my pristine reputation.

Then, delora came to see me and began streaming when.....

That video about her got made.... and I was PISSED. 

And I won't lie, my wrath consumed me and consequently I began a crusade against everyone on SC that made so many enemies and caused so much shit that it destroyes my reputation and made most people forget about the good aspects of me. I never quite shook that reputation and as I found myself struggling to be liked again, my frustration further caused me to react against critics and further sink my character into the ocean.

Couple this difficulty coping with not being liked like I once did with a raging case of writer's block, and you have yourself a proper case of a fall from grace...

and here we are today.

Not saying some of the things I say are not my real thoughts, I do think some sects of SC have group mentality, but I am saying that my waging war against it may have been brought on by frustration at various things.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 8
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

The original SC was an SJW training ground. 

When you have a strong sense of self, it irritates some of the powers that be. The goal is to get you to fall in line with the insanity and tow the line of stupid. 

Self confidence is read as arrogance as it tweaks against their own narcissism. 

Claiming 'greatness' is  loud, and who cares unless they are lacking self esteem to begin with? albeit in that case, to assauge their stinging egos, you can tone it down, or not. If not, they will continue getting *triggered.* 


Keep in mind, you are being "psychoanalyzed" by a schizophrenic tranny, BPDs that can't see past their own projections and drug addicts. 


Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

I respect your honesty.

Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

The original SC was an SJW training ground. 

When you have a strong sense of self, it irritates some of the powers that be. The goal is to get you to fall in line with the insanity and tow the line of stupid. 

Self confidence is read as arrogance as it tweaks against their own narcissism. 

Claiming 'greatness' is  loud, and who cares unless they are lacking self esteem to begin with? albeit in that case, to assauge their stinging egos, you can tone it down, or not. If not, they will continue getting *triggered.* 


Keep in mind, you are being "psychoanalyzed" by a schizophrenic tranny, BPDs that can't see past their own projections and drug addicts. 


 No one should want to try to be Primal. Get better ambitions.

Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

I actually read this, so i have to reply. I will post a relevant music video.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 738
1 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

"The intense mockery I recieved both here and on youtube during that time broke me, and caused me to react with rage and declare certain people on SC enemies. The way I handled that situation definitely damaged my pristine reputation."

if i ever shoot up a mall i'm going to put this line in my manifesto beforehand

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

I think it's funny you think you had a period of pristine reputation that you fell from. 

Regardless, there are signs of growth here so congrats.  

Posts: 525
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

I don't think perhaps that people were ever entirely for or against you as much as you seem/ed to think, but I might be wrong

I wasn't ever entirely sure why you suddenly seemed to hate a lot of people on sc so much, this was somewhat enlightening tho

keep up the self evaluation, it's good

Posts: 1937
1 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

You can always re-build your e-rep BH, don't be discouraged!

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 151
0 votes RE: My fall from SC grace, ...

Why aren't you on discord bo?

Too lazy to change my profile picture
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