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0 votes RE: Monero Autism

And guess what. Stablecoins are not as decentralized making them less private by their very nature.

Tether, BUSD, USDC and some others are swappable on Defi platforms with assets that smoke XMR. 

Defi is what ? Decentralized Finance ?

Monero can't do this, it's reliant on exchanges and middle men to trade it. It is LESS decentralized. It's not happening on Metamask.


I've already addressed your overvaluing of stablecoins but you are too egotistic to move on.


Posts: 452
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

 You're very dumb.

 Of course all you have is ad hominem.

There is no need for stablecoins and volatility is an empty platacade you use.

Don't come into my thread just to be negative and insulting.

 No you're legit dumb.

From  $2 to $470 to $25 to 500+ to it's current price, with a new price every minute of the day that is a highly volatile asset.

Monero sucks cause it has no defi capabilities. It's only good for under the radar shit. It's good for weasels.

You're an idiot when it comes to stable coins. Yes it's possible to make a private stable coin pegged to the USD.

Blockchain technology is decentralized, as are ERC20 tokens, TRC20 and a shit ton of other chains that are superior to Monero AND more energy efficient. Those other blockchains have stable coins too, which are great for crashing with. No such thing as less decentralized projects on decentralized blockchains.

XMR has no dapps, never will, and you never used it before.

 1. You exaggerate

2. It's called adjustment. 1 monero stays 1 monero and this volatility bs has been discussed to death. Volatilty is just not a real issue for monero and can only get more "flat" which is not as important as you make it out to be. Noob understanding of economics as monero nontheless has real utilcoin value. 

3. I never said Monero has Dapps, lol.

Posts: 452
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

And guess what. Stablecoins are not as decentralized making them less private by their very nature.

Tether, BUSD, USDC and some others are swappable on Defi platforms with assets that smoke XMR. 

Defi is what ? Decentralized Finance ?

Monero can't do this, it's reliant on exchanges and middle men to trade it. It is LESS decentralized. It's not happening on Metamask.


I've already addressed your overvaluing of stablecoins but you are too egotistic to move on.


 Monero is not reliant on centralized exhanges, it gets blacklisted all the time while everything else is pronounced in kyc daytrading schemes and nothing else except actual utilcoins like ethereum. 


Lol trying to say Monero is less decentralized just shows your huge bias for useless stablecoins that don't actually mean anything for crypto (COMPUTER coins) and are factually centralized as they are attached to a central asset.

last edit on 2/18/2023 1:51:25 PM
Posts: 452
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

 That link is from 4 years ago and it's about Monero's volatility and how might it ever be solved, while you argue it's not volatile after I showed you a 9 year chart for it.

Keep dreaming. 

Also while currency itself is volatile, it isn't "highly volatile". 

Crypto isn't a good to use as money. You really don't know how much of it you'll have to spend in the evening.

As an investment, XMR will do a 5 to 6x. That ship already sailed. It won't make someone rich at this point.

What else do I see here...

18,147,820 circulating supply.... I'm not going to lie that excellent, but it isn't finite, plus it'll get destroyed by more advanced projects that ARE defi compatible. 

Basic stuff.

 Bringing up a totally irrelevant topic then. When was I focusing on daytrading? And no as I've said the prices remain the same in the ecosystem even if the translated price can change. The price in the ecosystem could also change if it was even a big deal. Ultimately it means more feeding to the ecosystem instead of price obsession which is just really about daytradding at that point.

The point was in that thread debunking your obsession with the buzzword "volatility" because yes this pretentious catchphrase has been addressed more than once.

The fact is you have no critical thinking skills as you cannot question your fundamental assumptions or even stay on the relevant topic. Instead you harass me uninvited to share your unfounded opinion based on correlation, fallacy, and presumption.

Posts: 298
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

 Of course all you have is ad hominem.

There is no need for stablecoins and volatility is an empty platacade you use.

Don't come into my thread just to be negative and insulting.

 No you're legit dumb.

From  $2 to $470 to $25 to 500+ to it's current price, with a new price every minute of the day that is a highly volatile asset.

Monero sucks cause it has no defi capabilities. It's only good for under the radar shit. It's good for weasels.

You're an idiot when it comes to stable coins. Yes it's possible to make a private stable coin pegged to the USD.

Blockchain technology is decentralized, as are ERC20 tokens, TRC20 and a shit ton of other chains that are superior to Monero AND more energy efficient. Those other blockchains have stable coins too, which are great for crashing with. No such thing as less decentralized projects on decentralized blockchains.

XMR has no dapps, never will, and you never used it before.

 1. You exaggerate

2. It's called adjustment. 1 monero stays 1 monero and this volatility bs has been discussed to death. Volatilty is just not a real issue for monero and can only get more "flat" which is not as important as you make it out to be. Noob understanding of economics as monero nontheless has real utilcoin value. 

Oh really. Then what should 1 XMR get you on planet Earth ?


3. I never said Monero has Dapps, lol.

 Yes but you included dapps in your OP and only the projects you're not involved with can do that.

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

Tron is going to the moon any day now. 

Posts: 298
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

I say you're a noob that has no idea who you're dealing with.

There is no divide between privacy and stable coins, and Stable coins are very useful. 

The 3rd largest, and 5th largest cryptocurrencies in the world currently are stablecoins, the next stable coin is 9th largest in a market of thousands. You'll never understand why that is.

Hard of learning you are. Your view of Monero in the real world is unrealistic. It's circulating supply is low, it's a minable coin, and it has a market so it's miners will sell it at market value, it'll never be the fantasy money you hope for it to be, because the market will determine it's value.

Posts: 452
0 votes RE: Monero Autism
Canary said: 

I say you're a noob that has no idea who you're dealing with.

There is no divide between privacy and stable coins, and Stable coins are very useful. 

The 3rd largest, and 5th largest cryptocurrencies in the world currently are stablecoins, the next stable coin is 9th largest in a market of thousands. You'll never understand why that is.

Hard of learning you are. Your view of Monero in the real world is unrealistic. It's circulating supply is low, it's a minable coin, and it has a market so it's miners will sell it at market value, it'll never be the fantasy money you hope for it to be, because the market will determine it's value.

 There's already markets centered around Monero. It's not GPU minable. 

Big =/= useful. Normie pigs like you are retarded and continue to walk into slaughter.

last edit on 2/18/2023 4:15:47 PM
Posts: 298
0 votes RE: Monero Autism
Canary said: 

I say you're a noob that has no idea who you're dealing with.

There is no divide between privacy and stable coins, and Stable coins are very useful. 

The 3rd largest, and 5th largest cryptocurrencies in the world currently are stablecoins, the next stable coin is 9th largest in a market of thousands. You'll never understand why that is.

Hard of learning you are. Your view of Monero in the real world is unrealistic. It's circulating supply is low, it's a minable coin, and it has a market so it's miners will sell it at market value, it'll never be the fantasy money you hope for it to be, because the market will determine it's value.

 There's already markets centered around Monero. It's not GPU minable. 

It's CPU and GPU minable, though it's not that profitable to mine with either.


Big =/= useful. Normie pigs like you are retarded and continue to walk into slaughter.

 As I said, you're hard of learning.

Posts: 452
0 votes RE: Monero Autism

"heard of learning" coming from normies who can't understand the relevant topic and are trying to cope by saying stable coin have more util value than Monero which is complete nonsense. 

Fuck off normie little cunts. I never invited your retarded asses to share your retarded opinions on anything ever. You guys just fuck up whatever you put your grubby pig hands on. 

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