I remember reading about this one type of a fly that would become incredibly attracted to the color of medicine bottles:
I tried to look up the source, but I couldn't find it anymore. I spent like an hour duckduck'ing. Very frustrating.
At any rate, this species of flies becomes incredibly attracted to the bottle to the point that they basically just sit there all their life, which doesn't last long, trying to fuck the amber glass. They do nothing else.
This made me think. If aliens had reached Earth, how would they control us, if they wanted to? Do we have similar tendencies, as humans, as those stupid flies? I sometimes feel superior to flies, and I laugh at them, but then I realize something profound, and I feel ashamed for my ignorance.
I am currently writing a research proposal. I have decided to quit Physics. I decided to dedicate my life to creating an international defense system for humans to protect against a subtle alien invasion that will enslave our society. In particular, how do we protect our society against the analog of amber glass entering into human society and enslaving us to our natural tendencies to fuck it? Maybe more importantly, what would that analog be?
I spent some time to think about this, and I realized that aliens have already invaded our society.
In particular, the social media, smart phones, computers, etc, are our amber glass. They were invented by the lizard king Mark Zuckerberg as part of an alien space program called illuminati. The way that smart phone games are invented, the reward systems, etc, are deeply rooted in studies of monkey behavior, cruel experiments where monkeys are strapped onto a chair and forced to play video games, being fed sugary drinks as rewards for mini achievements in the game through a tube, getting hooked up, depressed, and enslaved. The same principles apply to how much of the Internet has been designed. Ladies and gentlemen, we have been enslaved.
The only method to escape the influence of the lizard king is to travel to a buddhist monastery and train your mind and body to escape the mind control of the aliens. Starting tomorrow, I will be travelling to Asia to join a buddhist monastery. I have already bought my robes, let go of all my possessions, shaved my head. After years of arduous training, I shall walk to the headquarters of Facebook and beat the shit out of the lizard king and free humanity. This is my final message to you slaves. I shall free you eventually, have faith in me.