Praise my beauty call me pretty look at me you are my darling, I will admire you I will desire you to obsession that is startling.
Shower me with affection and bring me makeup and perfume, and in exchange I will make sure your the most admired in the room,
Brag about you, look at your muscles, so strong and fired up, ever intelligent ever powerful please fill up my cup
I'll fill your glass with the strongest wine, potency unaware, I'll notice all your brightened clothes and lap dance in your chair
I wanna be your trophy girl we grasp for power together, consume the money and attention the two of us together
Driven with a drive we're chaos and I'm chaos with you, we fuel eachothers insane flame, and we will fight up the ladder all our days, forever insane and always ablaze
Mutually restrained insanity, fuelling eachothers vanity, bold and brash, building our stash, a power couple, both are the ass.