I guess I don't interact enough for anyone to rate my intelligence, not that I can imagine it being high anytime soon. I am rotting inside my skull, withered mentally.
AppleGenius said:Probably. The jury seems to be out on the IQ test, with some people claiming you can't train for it as it's fixed throughout your life and others claiming you can.
I mean, to be honest, I don't see how you couldn't train for it. It's mostly pattern recognition. If you look at enough circles I'm sure you can start seeing circles everywhere.
I don't see how you can't train for it either, plus I am pretty sure their is empirical evidence that you can.
Even if Intelligence is fixed that doesn't mean IQ can test for it. If it did the variance of the test should be bounded where a set of scores center around your actual true Intelligence. Yet, the opposite is true, if you train on the test enough you can raise your score significantly.
I know Taleb claims that IQ tests are better suited for testing extreme unintelligence than actual intelligence. If you are incapable of training for the test you may actually be retarded while if you can it shows you meet some base line of intelligence.
i rated her least intelligent based on the way she talked. she reeked of the dunning kruger effect.
doesnt mean i dislike her tho.
Yeah she did seem kind of obnoxious.
Let's solve the IQ issue using AI? What do the different IQ levels mean according to an AI?
The last part about sky crying made me laugh
You know, I'm personally probably dumb as fuck. I've been successful in academia, but I think it's mostly that I tend to be much more inquisitive, driven, and ambitious than most other people. I'd say that my strength is that I don't care what people think about me. I care more about learning and science. I'm basically.... a shameless scientist. A scientist. Shame. No shame. I'm basically like a superhero whose strength is stupidity and I use it like it's the excalibur, spreading it around and showing it to everybody. Even my wife thinks I'm an idiot. And then I tell her she has a head like a football and that she should consider a career as a professional football. Usually, at that point, she laughs, and forgets that she married an idiot. This is my tactic. Would an idiot really come up with something like that? Maybe I'm smart, after all.
Coming soon.
Current score:
Chapo: 0
PalePeach: 1Who will win the next round?
next round?
peach won already and chapo won't play
it's time to find new candidates
However, I usually keep these opinions to myself.It's kinda rude to rank order people based on how smart we think they are
Yeah but that girl wearing red pants was really obnoxious. Don't know how you didn't see that.