What do you think?
I own land
I'm pursuing higher education
My marriage has greatly improved
I have lost weight
I eat healthier
I exercise more
I have learned to play a new instrument
I am better at cooking and have learned new recipes
I have new hobbies such as keeping a pet cricket, gardening, chalk art and creating terrariums
I have an adoptive father who loves me
I'm taking surfing lessons
I'm independent, have my own place
I have been doing a lot of work/actually being employed having a real job
Have gotten better with managing my autism/autism symptoms
Have taken up weed oil and found it helps amazing
Have a new female best friend who I'm loyal to until the end and hang out with on the regular.
Am a responsible pet owner of a pet cricket
Better hygiene
Closer to god and very devout in my religion
Still kind of a fag :(
Have better people skills
Am better at applying makeup properly
Moved back to Hawaii.
Am in a more stable situation where I have food security
Do a lot of community service
Have given about 2000$ to charity
More open to new music and trying new things
Have finally accepted that women in general are fucking impossible
Am more muscular/physically stronger
Walk 4 to eight miles a day
Study Torah.
Attends virtual synagogue each shabbos
Follow a healthy pescetarian diet with lots of vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruits
Getting more things done without assistance
Can finally tie my shoes on my own
And more.
Hope the DIY improvement continues.
I haven't in any way that's meaningful to me. I thought getting a new job recently would help me, and I guess it did. It helped me realize what I don't want in life at least not at this time.
It's not a bad job, in fact a really well good paying job with amazing benefits, just that it doesn't fulfill me as a person. It isn't enough, and it eats away most of my time to do anything else, since in total it eats up 10-13 hours every day for 5 days a week. I'm going to have to lose my benefits to do part time because if I don't do part time, I can't do college or anything else that's productive really. It's the ass cancer of living in bumfuck nowhere away from civilization.
I have plans to improve drastically though, and I have faith. I am just with a headache, annoyed right now.