There was one woman on PF whose writing I just adored, tho she was completely batshit.
She claimed to get aroused by everything from excrement to toddlers to corpses.
(I found that part a bit gross, but it only made up about 20% of what she said. Her progressive, rap-like, freefall style made it seem like these perverted little brainfarts were forgotten as soon as they hit her keys. So I got the impression that she would never fuck any of the things she talked about fucking. If only because she forgot her own thoughts so quickly.)
80% of her writing was just beautiful. Crazy but beautiful.
She was a NYC girl. Tripping so hard half the time she couldn't figure out how to use her Obamaphone.
I taught her how to stock her kitchen by stealing donations from the donation boxes outside thrift stores when she said she had no pots to cook her foodbank food.
And yet none of you assholes ever had a problem with this woman.
She was also a sex worker. And probably the only interesting sex worker I've met.
So yeah, your behaviour tells me that udgaf about poverty or fat or pedophilia or anything else you go on about.
It's all about who kisses your ass.
And we all know that I will never like you.
Let alone fawn all over you like Alena does.
It's hilarious the things that narcissistic injury drives these forum bitches to waste their time on.