so now you acknowledge the story after feigning confusion 'now the woman blamed her daughter lolololol'.
also i find it interesting that you claim you are happy to be aging but try at every turn to use childish and immature insults like 'dumb dumb' (really)
Would you prefer the term "troglodyte" or "cretin"?
"Imbecile," maybe? :D
yes exactly. something that doesn't make me cringe to think you are in your 60's (?) talking like a teenage girl
Well now I've seen everything.
I will forsake my usual shorthand and opt instead for the more adult, but more time consuming, grammatically correct statements that you claim to prefer.
I will laugh heartily and loudly until my sides ache as I call you a cretin and an imbecile.
Because you've stated that this is your preference.
Know that I've changed my mind about calling you a troglodyte. Our primate cousins often demonstrate superior intellect to yours.
They certainly show better manners.
'dumb dumb' isn't shorthand, it's just an embarrassing and immature way for an old woman to communicate. it shows you haven't developed emotionally or mentally beyond a certain age, probably 14 based on the way you behave. it's not cute when teenage girls do it, it's absolutely disgusting when you do it.
While we're being grammar Nazis, the way you don't capitalize the first letter of your sentences has always annoyed me.
It's bad enough when 4 year olds do it.
When some crusty old borderline personality disordered whore does it, it's proof you haven't progressed mentally past kindergarten.