Speaking of, if someone can find me the gif of the clapping cat that would be cool.I love that lil fucker, but i hate the lore
Why is it so hard to find stuff for him?
Literally a reddit topic I found while searching: I can not find this sticker gif character to save my life and I know I can not be the only person in the world who's ever seen this character, any help would be absolutely lovely
It yielded this image collection, and I'm finding a few stills, but wow google doesn't have shit on this dude (and DuckDuckGo even less so). You might past a point have more luck animating your own...Yeah, it was part of a Samsung phone sticker for text thing, and i haven't been able to find it since
They were with Modoo as well, but it really isn't helping too much with this search.
Just tried looking for it (루이샴) on Naver, a Korean search engine. The results weren't promising, but then I noticed it had a filter for only gifs... which gave me this?
Going to try some other Korean search engines[edit: Looks like Naver and Google are their main ones], but so far still not much luck. Closest so far is finding two stickers a guy uploaded as video clips on his Facebook: 콘즈 CONZ
As a side note, I'm starting to like how they drew his maids, but I question how they're meant to look sexy:
Edit: So 움짤 is Korean for Gif, which while it did not refine this search is interesting on it's own for google results, apparently.
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