If you have a job your a loser and deserve to die
I must be doing alright then. 🤷
Congratulations turncoat. All welfare recipients deserve a pat on the back. They're the true winners of society. Imagine being diagnosed with a condition so you get free money. It sounds awesome compared to waking up going to work and busting your back whilst your half asleep.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say this turncoat. But congratulations because you missed all the misfortunes and pitfalls having a job. Being forced to socialise with people you don't wanna socialise with. Rude managers. Asshole customers and waking up in the morning having to go to a depressing factory or restaurant / whatever.
Truly turncoat. You have won. The way of the welfare recipient is the life. It's too bad not everyone can be it though. Because if everyone was on welfare the world wouldn't be able to sustain and big businesses and the rich will suffer. Also the world would become dull. Thank god for the lazy and the mentally incapacitated. Love you turncoat.
Never get a job. You have basically won if your in adulthood with no job.
I must be doing alright then. 🤷
Imagine being diagnosed with a condition so you get free money. It sounds awesome compared to waking up going to work and busting your back whilst your half asleep.
Yep, Disorder Privilege.
Damn turncoat kinda making me jealous
I remember I had to spend two years homeless after getting kicked out. Two years i slept on the streets. Having to speak to random bums and homeless people I didn't want to speak to. Having to goto the soup kitchen. Then getting hooked on fentanyl. I remember the first ever day I ran out of money for fentanyl it was like 5 months into my addiction and on a certain day begging didn't make enough because i found my tolerance soared. So funnily enough I found a job at starbucks after begging the manager for a job. My 2 years of homelessness was over. Nobody knew nobody cared for me. I was all alone with a fentanyl addiction.
I'll tell you turncoat those days are tough. But i got a ruder awakening call. Whilst I was going psychotic for drugs. My brother who has a diagnosed condition got immediately rehoused after he was kicked from home. All because he has a disorder.
In fact it was a disaster because my whole family abandoned me my own dad even calling me a moneyless homeless loser. Life was truly fucked. Because my brother was an asshole living on welfare because of a diagnosed mental health condition. Our parents and friends always would visit him but would never care about seeing me despite struggling on the streets and I never got rehoused because I wasnt like my brother disordered privilege
But after I recovered from homelessness through work at Starbucks and achieved financial independence within 3 years all of the sudden my dad then says your not a homeless moneyless nobody and now he loves me like he loves my welfare claiming brother pft. It was hard to forgive him but I did anyways. It told me a valuable lesson also. If your homeless people treat you like dirt. Even your own family.
So when you mention disordered privilege I get jealous. I'm not diagnosed with any disorder but my brother is. And because he was like u said disordered privileged he got a house, money and a car with no work at all all whilst laying on his lazy back. Somehow the motherfucker even found a girlfriend not just one but 5 in 2 years. All whilst he would reject me from the house calling me a no good bum but he is yet a lazy bastard claiming welfare based on a diagnosed condition. All whils I had to fight to survive on the streets. I almost died from the cold but yet fentanyl was my saviour and I had to sell my self to abusive drug dealers who would give me a bed for a night.
I literally had sex with drug dealers just so I didn't need to sleep on the streets and I am a male. This world is so damn fucked up just because you have a condition this entitles you to free shelter. I'm sick of this privileged societal rhetoric. If only doctors psychologists psychiatrists found me interestint maybe then I wouldn't have to have spended 2 years on the cold hard streets addicted to scoring 2 shots of fentanyl everyday. It got so bad I even had to start robbing people for loose changek y
Thank you Starbucks for hiring me and thank you online trading for making me 890,000$ from 29000$ just by random luck btw. Now everyone wants to know me. Fuck you society for being so cold and discriminatory.
but can you do this?
- get a good job, where you are in control and are treated with respect and you enjoy it
How many available jobs fit the bill for that though?
I got a job. My point is welfare recipients are true winners. Being able to sit on your ass all whilst claiming money must be a beautiful winning life. Kudos to them.
The drawback is that it's not much money, but there's no overhead either.