Straight up I don't respect suicide.
Also it's uncool for one to make like they're about to kill themselves then vanish. ( Sorry but it's very uncool )
This ( how I deal ) upsets certain individuals.
I don't like weakness either. And why should anyone for that matter ? She's up prancing around, good news, is she not strong ?
Now I see the sissy man trying to manipulate, "Look what Tony said here!" and I say fuck yeah! But you see Nathan, she doesn't like they way you think. And see that, you'll be sweet when she's gone and might have killed herself, and while she's here you'll promote mental weakness, and insinuate she ought to be angry that I disapprove of suicide, and weakness you scripted queerfag.
Don’t believe in suicide? In the words of a very dear friend KYS FAGGOT