I have had some time to think about the reason that I cannot like Turncoat no matter how hard I try.
He has some redeeming qualities, for sure. However, I think at his core he's an uncultured swine. That's why I can never be his friend.
More specifically, like many americans, his interest in other cultures is non-existent. He's myopic in his view, and considers himself to be superior to others. He's only ever really interested in his neighborhood and his own country, America.
I've come to realize that I find disinterested people and uncultured swines.... bothersome. My dislike of them is, however, at the very surface level. Their existence does not bother me. However, when they say something, anything, it all sounds so very cringy and backwater-y, like there is no original thought there. It irritates me.
No offense, uncultured swine.