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Just childhood memories

Posts: 14

I want to post some memories and get a response without being concerned for how they sound.

My father was a reader. I spent a lot of time reading as a child. Whole weekends were spent reading at the advice of my father and thought nothing of it except that I was lonely. Instead of R L Stein and splashy books for junior readers that the parents picked out I chose books that would bring me closer to my parents’ decades. Think the movie The Sandlot….I think if I hadn’t read so much as a child I wouldn’t have been able to coast in high school which is really where it should have counted. More on this later. Maybe.

I took Latin in middle school. I used to get ahead of the class , skip in the book, and make flashcards. The way most people behaved in high school going out for athletics and the musical and getting straight-As, that was me in middle school —until they say I did a 180 personality turn at thirteen.

So I switched middle schools but it was the same Latin teacher. Im skipping a lot here of the whys. And I decided when the teacher called on me—-because she knew I was good, I would now purposefully give the wrong answers, so I would seem cool to my classmates. We went to a competition and I remember I was prepared but she locked me out (made me stand outside) because I wore gothic makeup as I did for a brief period at thirteen.

We also went to museums as a family like every weekend, from elementary school age until fourteen. We also went to the movie theaters. I got so sick of museums. And then this one time in sixth grade I wrote for school about a guy who was following us in the museum, I later realized he must have been keeping behind us a pace and not wanting to get ahead of us. I got so sick of fucking museums.

I watched a girl on my swim team read Catcher in the Rye. I loved that book and Go Ask Alice. Unfortunately these books made me want to get into drugs and sex at a precocious age. The scene from Catcher In the Rye where Holden attempts to lose his virginity to a prostitute will be forever burned in my memory. I have not seen the movie since made from the book.

I wanted to lose my virginity at fourteen. My grandfather was dying of cancer at the beach house and I met up with someone to lose my virginity that summer. I also tried acid and attempted suicide all in the same year. It was a heady year. I think I threw my parents marriage license down a trash chute. I attempted to go to clubs.

Skipping back a pace, my father would take me to Toys R Us on weekends to play with the toys when we were not going to museums or I was not going to swim meets. I have a memory of standing in front of the Speak N Spell. They say I liked the toy 🚗 car at Toys R Us. My dad wouldn’t buy it but he would take me there on weekends to drive it around.


My childhood as I read it back was something out of one of those French Madeleine books. My parents wouldn’t buy those either.

I have never really learned to be alone and play myself I had friends on my teams and in school and but I think if I had gotten into video games it might have saved my life.

fin tbc

last edit on 11/2/2022 2:00:34 AM
Posts: 2399
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories

Why wouldn't he buy you the toy?

Posts: 463
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories

Sounds like you had a pretty nice childhood imo, but I can't tell from your writing if this is a positive or negative recollection. 

Posts: 4578
-1 votes RE: Just childhood memories

I keep the Bible in a pool of blood so none of its lies can affect me!

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 14
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories
Outro said: 

Sounds like you had a pretty nice childhood imo, but I can't tell from your writing if this is a positive or negative recollection. 

 I was thinking the same after writing this. I think after all it was a great childhood. It’s too bad for so long I thought it was bad.


Also, I recall I started going to auditions for public theater of my own accord. I also auditioned for a film but I walked out of the reading because I thought I wouldn’t get along with the cast or some nonsense. It was too bad. The trajectory of my life could have been different if I didn’t 180 at thirteen.

Posts: 14
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories
LiYang said: 

Why wouldn't he buy you the toy?

 I don’t know why 

Posts: 2399
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories

My earliest memory is being cut by razor grass.

Posts: 2399
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories
LiYang said: 

Why wouldn't he buy you the toy?

 I don’t know why 

 Did he think he was going to spoil you? Or prevent making others envious and prevent retaliation against you?

Posts: 14
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories
LiYang said: 
LiYang said: 

Why wouldn't he buy you the toy?

 I don’t know why 

 Did he think he was going to spoil you? Or prevent making others envious and prevent retaliation against you?

 Maybe it's that he thought he would spoil me.

I remember earlier when I was four or so, my dad kept a suitcase full of small toys. When I started to cry and throw "temper tantrums" he would for awhile try to get out the suitcase and give me a toy. I can't remember what the toys consisted of. I heard from my parents also that I used to kick my dad in the shins also when I was about four.

Posts: 14
0 votes RE: Just childhood memories
LiYang said: 

My earliest memory is being cut by razor grass.

 What's razor grass?

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