Everyone started off an intrinsically kind and good natured baby
I believe that since everyone started off a baby with no history of doing any cruel action to anyone, everyone is therefore naturally intrinsically innocent and good. Badness only comes into society through books which leave us with impressions of what is right and wrong behaviour (or an upbringing where the parents are psychologically and verbally abusive to the child, but yeah the first human babies in existence would have been intrinsically good, but then somewhere along the line (and later on in age) whether it was the original humans in existence or a future generation, people started deviating from their perfect goodness to each other) https://www.atheistrepublic.com/forums/atheist-hub/everyone-started-intrinsically-kind-good-natured-baby <-- part of this is her writing and part of it is my adding onto it, and I am not an atheist because I believe in an unconditionally loving and unconditionally forgiving God (not the judaic or christian versions of god which are very very violent), but yeah this is essentially what I believe about human beings presently
I do not anymore believe that human beings have both a "good side" and a "bad side", I believe that all human beings are intrinsically perfectly good and lovable but that we have somehow evolved to sometimes do bad (as in damaging to relationships, animals, and the environment and so on) behaviors to ourselves and each other
this is just an update on my present spiritual beliefs, and please keep in mind that it is really not your place to try to tell other people what to believe spiritually- that is a freewill thing and it is pretty personal and it is essentially rude behavior to try to tell someone what their spiritual beliefs "should " be, but you can share your own spiritual beliefs if you'd like to but that does not mean that I am going to change my spiritual beliefs just because you have different spiritual beliefs than my own