what if I am an all bad person but I do not want to commit suicide ? what should I do just try to make the best of it ? radically accept that I am an all bad person ? this is my new therapy focus
k pause this is not any more healthy than trying to see myself as all good but it is a thought experiment that I am playing with oof it is heavy though to think of yourself as all bad I do not believe it is any more possible than a person being all good (as in never causing psychological or physical harm to anyone else)
lol I do not think even hitler thought of himself as an all bad person :p he probably thought that his goals in life were good
He did think it was good. Of course.
What pissed off Hitler was a left wing government coming into power, he blamed communists and Jews, so when Hitler was elected in 1932 his solution was to exterminate them from Germany.
It wasn't pretty, but obviously the Jews are still among us, so now watch this.
Jews will only do 1 sided business with anyone who isn't Jewish. They will take your money but won't buy from you. They'll go to Jewish shops, or Jewish barbers, or basically only buy goods and services from other Jewish people, unless of course the service cannot be found within their community. I'm not saying all Jewish people are like this, but I've seen a lot of it. And don't get me wrong I think it's a smart thing to do, cause they really enrich one another like a big family. Unlike the black people in the US who make songs about popping caps in a nigga and doing all kinds of wickedness to one another. Murder etc. Ironically most black people in the US vote left, which breeds degeneracy. Hitler knew this, and today... Wokeness is uncool to the wise.
In effect, if Jews dominated your area, your lemonade stand won't sell much while the Jewish lemonade next door will be a success and you'll get crushed. They also dominate when it comes to big banks and the US sends them billions in aid, to keep the bad guys out, cause there are many forces in the middle east that think Jewish people are a parasitic invasion of sacred lands.
To make it clear, I'm not hating on Jews, but it's taboo to talk about this stuff and it's why they are famously disliked by many.
lol I do not think even hitler thought of himself as an all bad person :p he probably thought that his goals in life were good
He wanted to be an artist, and some people rating his work told him to become an architect instead.
He then built the Reich.