A friend of the family's shop was broken into lastnight so I went.
I had her call the police to confirm that the specific officer did indeed call her, cause it could've been robbers scamming her to come out. She's worth millions you see. The police's call center was like, "Well if so and so called you, then it's them".
So I went there myself. Then first officer was a little girl. A puny one. Then another officer was there, he was an action hero. Then another little cop showed up. The plaza custodian showed up too, and he had 2 emergency repair guys show up, and it was done in 3 hours. The robbers never took much, it looked like they were looking for money while ignoring some merchandise.
Another shop owner who lives close showed up 4 minutes after his burglar alarm went off. Security cameras show it appeared to be 2 young derkas and a negroid. All males, probably because you don't bring girls on missions.
Unbelievable eh ?