theyve been destroying russia with himars
What's the range in km on a himar?
theyve been destroying russia with himars
What's the range in km on a himar?
RIP Mr. Rowe, your legacy is a meme.
Here's the thing with this meme. I try to be somewhat respectful of the dead and living to build karma.
This guy Rowe created some really bad karma with these statements. WOW. He looks to be severely brain washed and believes the Government. Remember flu just went away and turned to covid, magic. People die every year of the flu.
If you want to cleanse yourself of this vaccine, try fasting and a clean diet of fundamental foods like simple meat and simple vegetables. Try some fermented foods for gut biome. Eat lots of vegetable fiber. Processed foods are killing you. Get some ivermectin, it's been shown to bind to the spike protein, get a doctor before it's too late.