If he is scared of that happening I cannot really say that you know, it will not happen because it probably would............ it ended up happening with my last ex
I have a fetish for turning narcissistic player type men into my cucks If he cannot handle my fetish, then I guess that we are both never going to get to fuck each other soo you know at least I was honest about it before we ever met up
and the only way that I will know if I can be persuaded out of my fetish is if we have an actual Irl relationship and see how it goes without including that fetish but if he is too scared to even meet up with me for a fuck inside of a vehicle let alone live together like, this is noooooooot going to work out
and I can surrender to that, I can let go and move on, I mean ultimately I am powerless over this situation at this point anyway like there is nothing more that I can do to try to fix what seems damaged beyond repair because if he refuses to even talk to me that is what it probably is- damaged beyond repair