Yeah I doubt opening the border between Canada and USA would be a real issue but idk why you think we should open the border to Mexico. That’s just fucking psycho.
Yeah I doubt opening the border between Canada and USA would be a real issue but idk why you think we should open the border to Mexico. That’s just fucking psycho.
Is there more crime in Mexico? I don't know.
Yeah I doubt opening the border between Canada and USA would be a real issue but idk why you think we should open the border to Mexico. That’s just fucking psycho.
Is there more crime in Mexico? I don't know.
Mexico is bad ass. Drug cartels and gangs are powerful like police forces.
Of course not everyone is bad over there, but even the locals will tell you it's pretty hardcore over there.
Panama what ? It's so crazy anyone who tries to cross there will be mobbed by land pirates on a wild road. It's possible to drive to Brazil but, you'd rather roll with a dozen armored humvees with torrents to make that trip. One part is too wild for offroading so a brief fairy ride will be in order.
What's to be feared most ? People. Maybe the best part of that trip is surviving it.