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0 votes RE: People who I do not eve...

The traits are self-directed. I empower myself, I believe in myself, I know I have potential and I believe that saying it out loud though taboo, is more honest than "humility".

I do to not seek to bring others down in bringing me up, but attack me just for believing in myself and I will have no choice but to defend.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: People who I do not eve...
WhistleBlower said:
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one...some are constipated and it affects their gray matter. Learn to differentiate the difference when it matters.


Posts: 1131
0 votes RE: People who I do not eve...

The traits are self-directed. I empower myself, I believe in myself, I know I have potential and I believe that saying it out loud though taboo, is more honest than "humility".

I do to not seek to bring others down in bringing me up, but attack me just for believing in myself and I will have no choice but to defend.

 You do have a choice tho.

Posts: 151
0 votes RE: People who I do not eve...

Why do you always get so affected bo? 

People hate all the time.

But sometimes they have reasons, you should try to learn and make sense out of the reason. But if there's no reason, call them a name and move on.

Too lazy to change my profile picture
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