I saw this thread reply that you posted- "my name is Turncoat and I am severely mentally challenged and I cannot adequately read or follow threads or complex thought patterns. please somebody help me because I am a loser and a failure at life and I have no aspirations or anything going for me", and I decided to give you some helpful advice like you asked for.
stop criticizing people for not behaving "normally" or "perfectly" enough for you, because who cares if they are not normal at something or perfect at something? no one is perfect, and most people definitely are not living with their parents in their thirties living off of government income and refusing to put effort into seeking employment or studying anything that could lead to future employment with the intention of getting a job in the future.
spend less time, and I mean much less time focusing on if other people are behaving "normally" and "perfectly" enough (meanwhile supporting pedophilia as if it is a perfectly healthy and unharmful sexual preference) and focus on bettering your own life so that you do not feel the need to try to spread hatred into the world out of bitterness over your own perceived lack in life due to not genuinely striving to achieve anything.