- I can cook a meal for myself or someone else
- I can read
- I can write
- I can encourage and compliment other people
- I can have s**unless intercourse with people
- I can philosophize and understand spiritual concepts
I just am not especially talented at any of these things, and that is why I would prefer other people to do them for me lol and this is why I am always looking for a Savior figure to take care of me and I would prefer it to be a male that I call my boyfriend
am I really so unlovable and unrespectable that I cannot have a male significant other take care of me ? what could make myself more appealing to men ? I know that I was very attractive to my ex Phill, but I cheated on him because I was scared that he was cheating on me or that he would in the future but he did propose to me even after the cheating and stuff
the next relationship that I am going to get into if I do, I am going to have to risk being betrayed again but if I cannot risk betrayal then I am never going to be able to stop isolating and closing my heart from people
my best idea is to learn to become resilient to betrayal like Turncoat, but I am so scared of becoming resilient to it and being abandoned because of not leaving after being betrayed and then losing the respect of my significant other and then that person abandons me