I could very very very very much see "Aliens" becoming the number 1 "excuse" for why The Rapture happened I was thinking about this today, what will put the masses back to sleep after The Rapture ? mmm, blame it on aliens, say it is because the Christians did not want to "evolve" into new age spirituality type of thinking and transhumanism and were "disrupting the planet" mmhmm yeah
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8/9/2022 12:15:07 AM
Funny how "the (oh so benevolent) aliens" are obsessed with getting humanity to believe in New Age beliefs instead of teaching us advanced stuff like time travel and space exploration............
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8/9/2022 12:18:19 AM This article really makes it super obvious with tons of evidence and holy scripture passages that "aliens" are actually fallen angels and demons
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8/9/2022 2:54:33 AM