delora said this about being homeless in specifically America where I am living although eventually I would like to move to Israel
17:55 Delora: also doing that is illegal,
and I responded
18:02 JesusistheKing: is being homeless illegal ?
18:02 JesusistheKing: no you are right that he says that and I did not think about that, he does say to follow the law of the land
18:03 JesusistheKing: That is why I want to stay at a shelter especially because I do not know how to be a really homeless
18:03 JesusistheKing: see ? he knows how to protect me even when I do not
18:04 JesusistheKing: my intentions are good, I just do not know how to be perfect the way that he wants me to be If I lived in Israel maybe I would be allowed to legally be homeless, but would not be mentally prepared for it
18:04 JesusistheKing: but he has laws set up in America to protect me because he knows I am not mentally well
18:04 JesusistheKing: see ?