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muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

Posts: 5714

and he rejected Jesus and he says some really insane and blasphemous things about my Savior and about Christianity and the church in general 


even the anitchrist is intelligent enough to at least pretend to be a Christian for the time being,  Tony is straight up stupid  insane and I do not respect anything that this person as to say


I genuinely find his energy toxic and disgusting and he seems likr the type that is too prideful to seek help or correction and instead would rather stay stagnant in his own toxic stank which is like,  just so repulsive that I no longer what to read his foolish comments





tl;dr  the man is likely a virgin and a repulsive foolish idiot, his energy is toxic and his "contributions" to the forum are a waste of time to read



last edit on 5/5/2022 12:48:51 AM
Posts: 5714
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

ahh took two seconds and it is much better forum already  😇🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊✝️  I forgive him but I am no longer going to read any of his stuff it quite bluntly makes me feel like vomiting often enough to cut that sh** out of my life



last edit on 5/5/2022 12:52:55 AM
Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel


tl;dr  the man is likely a virgin and a repulsive foolish idiot, his energy is toxic and his "contributions" to the forum are a waste of time to read

inb4 Spatial says I caused this with Kool-Aid. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 704
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

I fight with women too. 

It's a normal thing.

Posts: 5714
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel


tl;dr  the man is likely a virgin and a repulsive foolish idiot, his energy is toxic and his "contributions" to the forum are a waste of time to read

inb4 Spatial says I caused this with Kool-Aid. 


lol elaborate ?



Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

tl;dr  the man is likely a virgin and a repulsive foolish idiot, his energy is toxic and his "contributions" to the forum are a waste of time to read

inb4 Spatial says I caused this with Kool-Aid. 

lol elaborate ?

He seems to think people only dislike him because of lies told about him, then accuses conspiracy when people aren't so friendly with him, over the past few years centered around me. 

Posted Image

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/5/2022 3:59:59 AM
Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

Topic context: 

Part 1:

Satan hates me now again great 🙄
There is no pleasing your enemy I should have stopped trying a long time ago :p
tiny carrot :p *runs away* ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah :p

Spatial Mind:
I recognize these hit and run tactics from the BPD's, and what it means when they blow hot and cold at me
Just now Emily tried to manipulate me into posting a picture of my penis so she can criticise and make fun of it and abuse me.
She's back cause she lurking

OHMYGOSH you absolutely narcissist I only saw that comment because I had just logged out the tiny carrot was a reference to Michael's quite actually small cock
Michael as in the antichrist and Satan's son
I was insulting Satan not yourself as usual
I like never pay attention to you you are delusional and insane and muted forever byeeeeeeeeeeee

Spatial Mind: 
I have a girlfriend
Sheesh, they don't handle rejection well
Hit and run
I don't feel abandoned when you lurk Emily

an absolute narcissist*
you are an absolute narcissist*
I apologize I get eprfevtionistic when I misstype what I intended to say
and of course Satan is messing with me and annoying me

Spatial Mind: 
Don't mind us, this is normal behavior for her, gotta let her blow off steam once in awhile
I forgive you Emily

I swear he can mess up my typing and he does it on purpose sometimes I so swear

Spatial Mind: 
I'm closer to Jesus than I am with Satan in all honesty
Satan can't even touch me
I'm doing the Lord's work right now actually

Then give your life back to Jesus
If Jesus is not your Savior he can touch you in fact Satan could even speak through Peter
No, dude you cannot be doing God's work but insulting Christianity and the church
at the same time

Spatial Mind:
Easy now
Let's be civil

You either believe that Jesus is God and died for the forgiveness kf your sins and is your Svaior thus making you a Christian, or your father is Satan and you are going to end up condemned to eternal hell
This is the 100.percent truth and I am telling you because I care about your salvation

Spatial Mind:
Christ and I go way back
All the way to the late 70's

The Truth is not always easy to accept but it is still the truth whether you *want* to believe it or notttttttttt
oh my gosh 🤦‍♀️
see this is what I cannot deal with

Spatial Mind:
Emily, i'm detecting hostile intent. That's no way to represent Christ

if you interpret correction as hostile then you're going to hell lol
Jesus corrects those that he loves
If you cannot accept correction because of your narcissism that is not looking good for your salvation

Spatial Mind:
You're insulting and hating and calling me names again
And casting stones
I'll forgive you again, but I must stop it Emily

Nah I am not hating
I am explaining why I will be continuing to mute you

Spatial Mind:
*Spreads majestic wings and flys to a safer branch higher up*

I do not want to read about how you do not believe in being a Christian but you are doing the Lord's work
That is blasphemous
Even Satan does the Lord's work
Even demons do

Spatial Mind:
I don't recall every saying such a thing

God is in control of everything
He uses evil to bring about good all of the time
It is actually impossible do do anything outside of God's control
but that is not an excuse for you to be spreading blasphemy under the guise of "The Lord's work"
did he allow the holocaust to happen ? Yes
Is it what he wanted to happen ? No but he allowed it

Spatial Mind:
God is responsible for all things, including free will, that why sins are an abomination to him
Emily, you musn't insult your elders

You musnt insult anyone you idiot
Yet you do
be respectable and you will be respected
otherwise remain blocked fool
goodbye for real

Spatial Mind:
Was it the tits comment ? Geez lady I was only kidding
You look lovely
Golden hair, thic, and you white

No it is a culmination
you say so many rude comments and I never say anything hurtful or disrespe truly to you and I have had it
It is abusive and taking advantage of my sweetness

Spatial Mind:
Yes you do

Like what
What have I ever said rude to you in the past six months

Spatial Mind:
Everytime you make a Spatial Mind thread, you hurt my feelings
And say things that are untrue
But I forgive you
I understand the situation
And I'm sorry, I thought you would have found it funny

Yeah but I only have ever done that *in respknse* to you UNPROVOKEDLY making rude comments on my threads
It would be different If I provoked you first but no
You have done it so many times unprovoked for no good reason that I have had enough you pushed me to my limit of tolerance

Spatial Mind:
You can't provoke me
I'm not so easily provoked. Takes years to do that

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 5/5/2022 3:59:31 AM
Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel
Part 2:

If I didn't provoke you then you wouldn't try to neg me with every comment that you ever make on my threads
It is a constant barrage of negging bullshit

Spatial Mind:
Okay so it's only okay when you make big girl jokes about yourself, but it's hurtful when I do it

but I never start it with you and it is always unprovoked but I do occasionally respond
I didnt
I said that my title were not pancakes
that is all that I said
That was not a big girl joke
It was just stating a fact

Spatial Mind:
You look fine Emily

I don't go around calling people fat or bald

Spatial Mind:
Yes you do

yeah I used to but I stopped
so I am not tolerating people doing that to me anymore either
because I made the decision to stop
even if I am just making it today
I did
just make it today lol
which is why I muted you
because I decided today that I was done insulting people on superficial shit

Spatial Mind:
Even though I'm not a virgin and i have a girlfriend, you shouldn't attack virgins
You ain't gonna mute me
I'm too interesting
lol ppl don't mute me lol

Then stop saying mean things
I do not insult your race or your looks
why are you so rude to me I do not understand

Spatial Mind:
As you wish
No more jokes
I promise
I thought you had a sense of humor about your looks

you can joke but do not insult me on superficial shit when I do not insult you that way
like I get if it's like mutual back and forth but I cannot recall ever insulting you on superficial stuff and if I ever did it was a long time ago
I used to think I was ugly and worthless but Jesus taught me that I am beautiful and priceless and of value
so I stopped thinking of myself as anything less than honestly

Spatial Mind:
No you didn't
You used to post nudes all the time
I have some images of you, but not the nudes though

yes I did
yeah because I had no self esteem duh
I believed every single lie that Satan would tell me
and he would do it constantly
tear down everything about me always in my head lying to me
lies after lies after lies trying to tear me down allllllllll of the time a Neverending unceasing constant stream of it until I became saved
he literally told me that I was everything the opposite of the truth and I believed it lol
because I was stupid and I still am but I am regaining some intelligence finally

Spatial Mind:
You've always been confident
Plus I don't have any Onlyfans fans
I think you look better now than before
Well whatever you are, you should be the first to know

tell yourself that
I already have a therapist

Spatial Mind:
People always expect me to be a saint, so when I shift slightly to the dark side, people have a hissy fit
Whatever you are, you should be the first to know
Thank you Tony, that's great advice

well it is confusing because you act like you are on Jesus's side but then you say stuff that is not sound doctrine
my beliefs are normal and mainstream about Christianity I am just rebellious
but you have really out there beliefs about Christianity

Spatial Mind:
Like what ? Having sex with Satan ?
I just wrote a piece of projection

yeah because I am still healing, it is an addiction
like any other addiction

Spatial Mind:
You'll live long enough where your hormones will simmer down
Manopause !
It's when women pause, and become more like men
Okay bad joke, but I'm trying to deliver good news
I'm only supposed to be perfect too
I should probably ditch now
Again, what I said was supposed to be funny, and I'm sorry
No more jokes
No more humor
I also don't mind if you mute me
We don't chat much anyway
And I'm not interested in Michael and those other idols you follow
*One foot out the door and looks back at you*
I'll use the other exit
*glides toward other exit*
*pulls back wings to glide slower*
*Lands early and walks to exit*
I can't help it

do I ever make fun of you about this weird bird sh** :p

Spatial Mind:
Isn't it funny ?

you do plenty of eccentric stuff but I do not Target you and try to tear you down constantly
I prefer to live and let live usually
so since I try to pra time that when other people are attacking me for no good reason in my opinion it makes me want to leave or block

Spatial Mind:
All the Spatial Mind threads you;ve made in the past month are mean and I feel bullied

Kk well I will stop saying hurtful comments to you and about you if you will stop saying them to me and about me
I would agree on a truce otherwise I might just have to mute because I find it triggering at this time and I am going through trauma therapy
so it is especially dysregulating

Spatial Mind:
Yeah no more jokes that will hurt your feelings
Also, stay away from Satan

Kk thank you and same goes for I will not do that to you anymore either 🤍🕊
lol I plan to
he is not giving me much incentive to not anymore
you cannot keep your hoes if you do not keep them motivated
If he wants to focus on the younger ones I will take my freedom lmao :p

Spatial Mind:
Now I'm going to devour some lamb
( seriously I have some lamb chops )
Coincidence ? Probably not.

One of these days I ought to make a proper compilation. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 5714
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

tl;dr  the man is likely a virgin and a repulsive foolish idiot, his energy is toxic and his "contributions" to the forum are a waste of time to read

inb4 Spatial says I caused this with Kool-Aid. 

lol elaborate ?

He seems to think people only dislike him because of lies told about him, then accuses conspiracy when people aren't so friendly with him, over the past few years centered around me. 


we came to a truce agreement about refraining from rude comments about superficial sh** such as people's physical bodies so we will see if it holds true,  I have noticed that he makes a lot of derogatory and frankly misogynistic comments about women,  but to be fair I can be quite the misandrist and it is something that I am trying to be less of because of Jesus 


I am becoming more sensitive to this type of stuff as Jesus is having me focus more on inner beauty instead of outer physical appearances of people and as I am becoming less judgemental of things like people's skin color, race, body type, and so on I want to be surrounded by more of the same and I think that I was getting especially triggered becausee he sometimes claims to believe in the same God that is my Savior which is Jesus and Jesus came to shine the light of truth on how stupid valuing the superficial and temporary aspects of the human life experience is and I 100 percent agree


Anyway Spatial and I are at peace now I think  🤍🕊



last edit on 5/5/2022 4:04:49 AM
Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: muting Spatial Mind because he acts like an incel

Lol yes, I'm sure he'll never crack a joke about you again. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
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