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That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose

Posts: 2504

I punched my father in law in the face once because he was throwing bad eggs at me and my husband and blocking the door so I could not leave. I said "I will punch you if you throw another egg at me you let me outta this room" and he did throw another egg and I tried to give him one more chance I said "move let me leave the room" he threw another egg at me I punched him in the face and gave him a bloody nose and while he was distracted I ran out the room man yelling "dude I told you you throw one more egg at me and imma punch ya"


last edit on 5/2/2022 3:26:45 AM
Posts: 817
0 votes RE: That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose

Wtf. Why he was locking you two and throwing bad eggs at both of you? Lol sounds crazy

Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose

Wtf. Why he was locking you two and throwing bad eggs at both of you? Lol sounds crazy

 Well I will give you honesty but it is pathetic of me what I actually did, though I didn't remember why he did it until you asked

It was because I started throwing pickled carrots and peas I made a huge effort to make all over the living room, because I was mad because he did something to my food on accident that fucked it up when I told him to leave it alone. He had a habit of messing with my belongings despite that I kept telling him to stop, and I was just really mad. 

I did clean it up but 

I guess that doesn't make it ok 

Although I left the pickled eggs because I didn't know they were there and they went bad 

He thought I did it on purpose and decided to give me a taste of my own medicine by throwing the eggs all over my room 

But I was already in my room so he ended up getting eggs all over me 

In the end I did clean the living room, it was easy it has no furniture 

But my room had a lot of stuff in it and I couldn't get the bits of egg out of everything, oh and it was all in my hair it was just awful 

I think there are still tiny bits of egg I can't see in that room to this day, and I've been away from it on an island in the Pacific for like eight months


last edit on 5/2/2022 8:32:18 PM
Posts: 811
0 votes RE: That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose

is this post attempting to establish dominance 

if so, stop being autistic

visceral normality
Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose
cx3 said: 

is this post attempting to establish dominance 

if so, stop being autistic


I don't understand the question

Also how am I being autistic 

You can see my autism? 

Is my autism clear and I'm unselfaware? 

Oh my god 

I'll never make lasting friendships 

I'm gonna die alone 

 Why are people so scary?

Posts: 817
0 votes RE: That one time I gave my father in law a bloody nose

I consider myself quite immature for my age but the thought of a father throwing pickled rotten eggs at his son and wife because he is mad at his wife who is not even 30, is pretty immature from his part. 

I am very grateful for God giving me this life with my family. 

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