I posted a few funny pics of Tony a while back. They could not be traced to him or showed up on google. They were gone very fast. I assumed Tony asked for their removal and I was fine with that. But turns out Turncoat does not care for the unwritten SC dox rule and censors shit as he pleases. I am fine with TC being a bitch to me as a user here, but to use his mod powers to spite me or suck up to other users is very shitty.
Edvard: is this why you deleted your pics from sc? tony?
BitTron: I'm unable to do that Ed
Edvard: you asked a mod to remove the pics, tony
Edvard: didn;t you?
BitTron: Not really. They did it, then I said, yeah I appreciate it
I regret ever putting my trust in him to be mod of this place. It was a mistake, he has proven himself unfit.