Xena said: 
Cade said: 

Thats a bit harsh, just cos shes not fit to be mother to any child and wants to breed psycho dominant kids doesnt mean shes a bad person.

 I’m an acceptable mom. My baby hasn’t died yet and she’s happy and healthy. What more can you ask for? Perfection doesn’t exist when it comes to parenting.

 Um... how about genes that are less likely to produce an addict, a felon or a serial killer?

Like why would you intentionally go out looking for psychos to breed with?


It's like you're breeding with brain damaged pit bulls and expecting your offspring to be labradoodles.

Just wtf?

She thinks they will protect her, and that because she's insane that she'd need an insane person to compliment her lifestyle. 

 Somewhat correct. The person doesn’t have to be totally insane , but they have to be able to understand me and normal people can’t, but some people here get me. 

 Kill yourself bitch