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What if on Safari mobile browser for example when you go to flip through all your open tabs, it’s got a filing system on the side that you can drag the tabs into, and then you can put the filing system in whatever order you want or alphabetical- you can choose for it to say the word of what the file is or you can represent it with a round button picture. 

So you drag you tab into a file and it’s just a slightly better way to bookmark stuff that sort of goes with the whole drag and drop style OS of Apple products anyway. 

Can be used for any browser. Would be cool to have available for both desktop and mobile of course and then it sync’s across all your devices. 

last edit on 4/23/2022 1:16:30 AM
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

As an avid drinker of drinks- particularly coffee. I find the entire drink making process really messy. 

Would be great to invent a system that’s designed to be mess free while in use and then also a custom made cup that is designed to be anti-cup rings. 

I have found a cup that is like a thermos and it’s been designed to be condensation proof which is amazing, tested it and it actually does work, no leakage either when you tip it. 

Something like this but more aesthetically pleasing and thought through a little more to suit different applications. 

The one I had was too short for example to be a tumbler and too small to be considered a mug, so it was sort of just not ideal to use for that reason. 

The other thing is, it didn’t have a straw and people are really into their straws these days. It’s just a trendy thing. 

I dunno, I thought about designing the cup with a cloth that goes around it like underneath it and then attaches to the cup in some way. To prevent the rings and condensation drips and all that. But I don’t know. I just think it was kind of stupid and reminded me of a laughable coffee diaper, and would end up being worthless. So I think going the route of smarter design. 

The guy who invented the Snuggie became a millionaire and it was a backwards robe. So just remember that. It may be stupid, laughable even- but hey. I don’t know. 

 Side note I remember when all the kids in my school all wore their snuggies to school and it was the best thing ever and then my school said no more bringing snuggies to school and banned them from the premises. Ah, 2010 what a time. 

last edit on 4/23/2022 1:32:58 AM
Posts: 5714
0 votes RE: Ideas
Blanc said: 

What if on Safari mobile browser for example when you go to flip through all your open tabs, it’s got a filing system on the side that you can drag the tabs into, and then you can put the filing system in whatever order you want or alphabetical- you can choose for it to say the word of what the file is or you can represent it with a round button picture. 

So you drag you tab into a file and it’s just a slightly better way to bookmark stuff that sort of goes with the whole drag and drop style OS of Apple products anyway. 

Can be used for any browser. Would be cool to have available for both desktop and mobile of course and then it sync’s across all your devices. 


this is a super useful idea



Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

Some ideas are better than others, but. 


A perfume bottle that has a base, that when you put the bottle on the base, it lights up due to LEDs that are activated by the weight of the product. 


Very weird idea, not sure what the point would be but, it makes sense for a store to be more eye catching. 


Could also make the cap light up as well, activated by touch. 


Would be cool also as a white acrylic base and then with customized light up patterns in the base. As a way to display products which fit into the patterns. 


Basically, I like stuff that lights up. 


Thought of having the same concept applied to place mats that you put your dishes on when you eat. Why? I don't know. This is just the kind of stuff my brain spits out sometimes. Could see this being cool for people trying to host really cool events, restaurants, hotel resorts, vegas easily. Those sort of things. 


Could be in a star pattern sort of like the stars you see on the tops of Rolls Royce interiors. 


So, there that is. For, no reason other than, light up stuff is cool and, we don't utilize LED's enough. 


Would look cool in this sort of environment

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last edit on 4/23/2022 8:11:04 AM
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

lol someone took the LED objects idea to another level 


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Also this is cool 

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Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

more light up stuff because ideas 

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last edit on 4/23/2022 8:31:48 AM
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

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^this one is the coolest IMO 

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last edit on 4/23/2022 8:43:24 AM
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

A paper towel holder that when you press down on the ball on top it perforates the paper towel for you lol 


would not be kid safe probably if there is a cutting device in it so i could see it not being popular for that reason and also who cares but. 


It just occured to me when i went to get a paper towel from the holder i subconsciously just pressed down on the ball ontop with my other hand as if that was going to seperate it for me like what lol 


these are the kind of things i do at 5am when im not fully awake yet but. god doesn't make mistakes. 


this was no mistake. (lol i had this art teacher who used to say there was no such thing as mistakes and like really engrained it in us she also didn't believe in paper towels it was a wild ride) 

last edit on 4/23/2022 9:02:18 AM
Posts: 2283
0 votes RE: Ideas

this is so adorable tbh, feminine and cute af

consumed by avarice
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: Ideas

Organize who you're following into sections so you can choose what kind of feed you see for each social media app.


For example instagram, if you want your entire home feed including stories and then the actual feed to be only people you know IRL, you can switch back and forth through some tabs. It would also affect the discover feature differently and you can flip through specific hashtags you follow as well. 


Instead of having to make multiple accounts. And then you want to see, all the gamers you follow only.


And you can custom organize each tab however you like. Organize who you're following into sections. Thank me later. 


Say you want to only see comedic posts or memes, you can go into that section. You're in a funny mood, you need something funny. There you go. 


Same thing with facebook, tiktok, whatever. Especially with the videos you scroll through section, it just starts spitting you random stuff. I don't really like a lot of what it spits out to me and often find it unrelated to what I was thinking about at that time. Like I wanted to watch videos about gardening for example I'm in a home and gardens sort of mood. I can set the device feed to only home and garden content. Amazing. 


It would also affect Youtube recommendations, and you could set your youtube to recommend videos only from accounts you follow- or, only from a certain section of what you follow because, like I said. Maybe you're only in the mood for gardening content at the time. Or say you want to see only Yoga people. Or only your favorite beauty tubers. You can set it to show, only people you follow from this section- or, people you follow plus recommended other channels/video content that is related to this section and customize, what kind of related content you want to see in congruence with that following section. This would also affect Youtube shorts. 


Youtube was *starting* to go in this direction with the little tabs at the top where you can flip through different interests, tumblr has something similar as well and takes more advantage of the hashtag organization. I like that, but I want to have a tiny bit more control, like a section where you can see all the interests you follow and click through each one. And a section where you can see all the hash tags you follow and click through each one. 


I think I'm really into widgets and digital design, and stuff like that because I keep thinking of ideas that are basically software design. But yeah, lol. I'm not very tech-y but I've always liked aesthetic design and organization, so for that reason I'm willing to work with the technology as best I can to figure out how to make stuff better. 


Could also apply to your fave streaming apps. I know they organize by genre but, maybe you want to make your own genre. I dunno. Movie buffs and trailer hoarders may want to organize all their films a certain way- I want to make streaming apps way more interactive- not social, but just, customizable. We have separate apps for social streaming like Rabbit and such. 


I want to apply it to every social media app, Twitch, Twitter, Spotify, etc. 


I know they've created apps similar to this concept like, Feedly I think it was called for example- helps you organize your news content and other reading materials. There's quite a lot of apps like that. But I want to integrate that concept into social media and allow you to organize who and what you see at any given time. 


I mean really, I would just want to call it something simple like "tabs" but that would be confusing, so I'd have to think of a unique name that really encompasses the full concept but. Yeah. Hopefully that all made somewhat sense. 



I also thought of another idea yesterday along similar lines where basically, okay so. Our devices are always monitoring every key stroke, a lot of audio, images, locations, where we spend, what type of person we are, who and what we follow, etc. 


And it culminates that into, an algorithm that it tosses you into. All your recommendations that come up on any social media platform, including advertisements are customized to you. 


But why don't we have a say in who our algorithm is. I want to be able to control my algorithm. 


So, similar to a settings app. There could be an app on your phone you open and you can tinker with your algorithm settings, and basically tell it, what content to not show you, to censor even- to put it in NSFW mode, or various modes of your own custom design. And you can choose. 


I think we have a right to choose our algorithm and what we want to expose ourselves to, also, it can be a little reduntant at times and I think it would be nice if there was a feature that helped you improve it to be more interesting for you and always giving you the option to explore new things- not just see more of the same thing you like over and over again. 


I remember a time when the internet was more exploration based. And I want to bring that back. RIP Internet Explorer. Maybe that's what the app can be called is like, Explore or something. Maybe too much off a rip off and I'll be sued but. It genuinely is inspired by the fact that, I miss the old internet sometimes so I see it as a respectful homage. 


(and then to get really sci-fi with it, I also had the thought initially that you could talk to it, sort of like Siri, and basically tell your algorithm hey, never show me content related to green scarves again. And then it would go, "okay, updating." But, you can go into the app manually and see, what content you've blocked in a list and edit it at any time, so that way there's not something you forgot you blocked etc.) 


Imagine how relieving it would be example for celebrities who want to use social media but don't want to see any content related to themselves- (a lot of celebrities have spoken about this issue and going off social media for this reason)... they'd be able to use their damn phones again.


It gives you control over your internet-world and grants you the luxury of peace and sanctity of mind. Too much we are inundated with a lot of what isn't relevant to us or too much of this or that- things that annoy us, etc. And we honestly don't need it. Refining the focus could do wonders- and I think it's important in this digital age to have more of a say on what you see, so it's not generating mental clutter. 

last edit on 4/25/2022 11:54:25 AM
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