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0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 

You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao

de Broglie came up with a wavelength theorem back in the 20's, and even back then he noted that there's an inverse relationship between mass and wavelike behavior... suggesting that all matter might exhibit wave-like properties, but it's only observable at the subatomic scale.

I.e. all matter is energy and vice versa. There have also been experiments that show what we consider to be wave-like in nature (e.g. light) have a pattern of "dumping" energy is a way that is reminiscent of something containing mass (photons). 

I'm happy to go into more detail if you're interested, but a knowledge of calculus is required to get more in depth.

Should also add that in the last few weeks there's been research in this field that potentially upturns the whole thing, but it'll be a few years before we all get a grasp of what that means. 

 Was Leibnez less intelligent than Newton because they both came to the same ideas? Everything I say here I thought of by myself through personal observation and reasoning. I am not claiming genius by putting my own thoughts out there. Although I did refer to it as esoteric mainly due to the other dumb ass replies. I haven't read the official scientific literature in depth though I am aware about some things having wavelike properties.

I do have knowledge of calculus if you want to go further, seems pretty interesting. 

What was the research that upends it all?

last edit on 4/12/2022 12:42:50 PM
Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Since I'm bored, I might as well go ahead and respond to this.
Outro said:
You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao
You know what is your weakness, Outro? It's that whenever you see something you even remotely know about, you bash it to demonstrate your intellectual superiority. You'd be more pleasant if you complimented those people who bothered to do some reading, instead of trying to make them look like idiots for trying. Imagine the possibilities and the doors that would open for you.
The above quotes when taken together demonstrate a very important concept- different animals have vastly different experiences. Therefore, sensory experience could be said to be subjective. And while matter and plasmas seem to be a constant between all forms of life, how do we really know what it is if it's so different from species to species? Our brain is just taking all of these forms of energy and processing  them into something consolidated, which we refer to as consciousness. It begs the question- what if all of these forms of energy that our brain is converting into something observable just vanished? Would we too vanish?

Frankly, I don't understand what you're saying here. Would we vanish if everything else vanished? Are you familiar with the concept of Occam's razor? If yes, then you're likely aware that Occam's razor implies that, even if everything else ceases to exist, there's no reason to think we would cease to exist. Ergo, according to Occam's razor, we do not cease to exist.

Not sure what you're getting at here.

What I propose is that this thing we call "energy"; the driving force of our universe.... and us, are one in the same. That we are merely just this energy in a consolidated form, and death is merely the dispersal of these energies. It wouldn't be far fetched, considering what happens to our bodies when we die; it decomposes, which becomes rich soil, which is absorbed by living things, and subsequently consumed and again absorbed by living things, which then die or release some of the energy and the cycle continues. Much like a single grain of salt dissolving back into the ocean it came from, as is our consciousness to the greater universe and the energies that propel it.

Energy is conserved, so yeah, probably. I don't know what you mean by death is the dispersal of energies. Are you saying that when you die, some part of you is released? Or are you saying that when you die, your corpse will eventually rot away and become something else?

This idea doesn't discount the idea of an intelligent life form that created it.

Why would it?

After all, when you look at the manifestations of God all through religious texts through the world, it's often through things like fire and light and heat and sound- which are all forms of energy.

Is it even possible to describe a manifestation of God that is not energy in some shape or form? I think not. Even a dildo is mass-energy when you put it into E=mc^2, even if it is not a manifestation of God. There's about 1% of the energy of the Little Boy nuclear bomb in that dildo, or 15 kilotons of TNT.

God is described as omnipresent, always there. Within you and everything. Sounds a bit familiar to me. Perhaps the universe itself has is an intelligent entity of perpetual energy, that can take many many forms.

Or maybe not. Why would it be?

Some of that energy is in you, some in the sea, some far far under the Earth's crust, and some beyond description, in a place beyond what our consciousness allows us to see.

And there's an equivalent of ~15 kilotons of TNT of mass-energy in a dildo. And +100 watts running through it if you turn it on, depending on how energy-efficient it is.

To me this idea makes perfect sense and falls in line with everything I observe about reality. But many would take offense to this. Indeed, these ideas might even threaten or scare many people; the consciousness itself fighting to deny its own nature because it wants to be important. Many societies would be antagonistic to such an idea. Why? I think that ironically it lies in the logic and simplicity of the concept. People would rather listen to grand and convoluted tales of talking locusts and glorified zombies with strict and dogmatic codes. It gives them something to live by, an identity for the consciousness to live by. I think the neutrality of the universe might sound off-putting to some, lovecraftian even. It makes them feel small.

I love zombies and dogmatic codes. But yeah, magic>science. Embrace magic. We're all fueled by emotions, and it's emotions that make the world go round and round. Even I practically live my life like I'm in a fairy tale. I certainly haven't been in touch with reality for the last 10 years or so.

But, you know, I wouldn't look down on people like that. In the end, I think it's sort of difficult to come up with a scientific argument to dispel magic, except for things like big foot which is easily falsifiable. If you ask the question "why" enough many times, most of this philosophical and scientific theorizing seemingly leads us to an argument from utility. I.e., I accept science because it's useful.

op culture is loaded with distractions. People find Will Smith smacking Chris Rock far more interesting than the nature of energy and consciousness. But it's more nefarious than mere distractions. These are people first and foremost in service of their ego. The ideas presented in this post threaten that because it doesn't give them much of a right to control you. And that's what makes them feel good, control. So while they distract you with pop culture, they interweave it with dogmatic ideology and propaganda to believe in instead, along with all the convoluted fallacies it is based on.

Yeah, it sucks. It won't get better when you grow up, either, so better start embracing absurdity and join the groupthink. You'd love the book 1984.

On top of it people in modern western societies are raised from birth to go to school and work nonstop, rarely slowing down to think of such things. They stick people in an institution from age 5 to adulthood where all of these distractions and forms of propaganda can be sufficiently indoctrinated.

To give them credit, they have made some effort in trying to teach critical thinking in the school curriculum these days. I'd say we're moving in the right direction.

When you understand that you and the "source" are one in the same you can then see the malleable nature of energy and indeed, reality itself.

I'm not following you. What would be a concrete example?

All of a sudden the lies and laws of society are seen for what they are- redundant and restrictive.

Like which laws and lies, for example?

You might notice slips in the cracks of consciousness if you're keen enough to look for them. You may even find that your thinking directly impacts your experience in this conscious plane. And the more you see, the more it all makes sense, and the more you can hone these practices.

What practices?

You know what? If I can be a bit crazy and admit something, I believe I can do anything. I've noticed that whenever I want something enough, I get it. No exceptions. I'm on the fence about whether life is a fairy tale or I'm placebo-ing myself to success. Alice sort of talks about similar things.

I hope this post has gotten you thinking a bit more about the nature of the life we are all living. Perhaps if you pay attention as you go about your business, you might see hints to the truth. These clues lie between the cracks in our sensory experience but a trained eye can identify them.

I'd love to hear a non-BS story about how you came to think this way and how you live in the matrix.

last edit on 4/12/2022 8:06:19 PM
Posts: 128
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society

In response to AppleGenius:

I suppose if all energy disappeared our brain wouldn't necessarily cease to exist, but it would cease to function because most of its operations rely on energy as inputs to convert and it seems to rely on energy as fuel. Additionally there's a strong possibility that solid matter such as the brain and body itself is energy as well and therefore our entire physical and mental manifestation on this plane would be gone if all energy was gone. 

As for my ideas on death, I believe there's both a physical and mental component to the dispersal. The energy composing our solid matter disperses through decomposition and the energy that our brain is converting into sensory experience (light, sound, ect) also quits being used because the brain no longer works to convert these energies into something perceivable.

You ask why would it regarding me saying this would NOT discount a god, but I'm arguing that it wouldn't so there's no need to argue for something I don't believe.

And now to your dildo arguments. As silly as it sounds, the dildo too would be part of the body of energy I am describing, because it too is here. The dildo isn't any less part of God than us, because it's all part of the same energy system. Now one can take it a step further and question what created the energy system, but that's just guesswork.

Regarding "magic" and seeing things in a fairy tale manner, I can actually understand why you would see things that way. I myself have witnessed things strangely fall into my hands shortly after thinking about how I want them and found improbable synchronicities that don't seem to be coincidence. My proposition of existence is a highly dynamic one due to the formless nature of energy- it could become virtually anything, and possess immeasurable intelligence... Or at the very least the creator of all this energy could if there is one. I do believe that something is listening in on our thoughts and altering our experience in response.... Or perhaps it's just you doing it and we have more power than we know. We might not be that different. I don't believe you are out of touch reality, because reality isn't concretely definable enough to say if or if not you are. Perhaps, these dogmatic and magical stories from religion and folklore do have a place within the framework of our universe. If you look to another one of my topics here I discuss the idea of fiction as Easter eggs nodding to other realities.

As for critical thinking in schools, I disagree. My school tried to teach me a dogma and demanded I toe the line. I didn't and suffered social and possibly academic consequence. Probably depends on the classroom you're in.

Examples of laws and lies? How about the law banning consciousness altering compounds like psilocybin? And lies? Do I really need to point out a lie told by society and it's leaders? You could write endless books of the false statements by leaders on their own without analysis. But to humor you, what about all of the "covid deaths" that we're actually suicides and other non covid caused deaths?

And then the practices I refer to. Well, sounds like you might already know some of them. There isn't exactly a fixed set of practices that might play off the malleability of the energy in the universe. But a common one would be the use of hallucinogens. Another would be looking out for improbable coincidences aka synchronicities. Or putting your mind to something and directing your efforts to that thing, and finding it falls into your hands... Which it seems you already do. Again I'm speaking from personal experiences. But you want an example? Here's one: One day I mentioned a famous person to a friend walking down the street. The next day, we were walking that way again at the same time and guess who we saw? That famous person. 

And last, you ask how I came to think this way. I believe I've always had an unorthodox way of thinking and always had a certain sense of what our consciousness is. I've always had a taste for the "weird shit"- supernatural, occult, spiritual, horror, fantasy, science fiction. But I'd say that my use of certain hallucinogens definitely took it to another level and things I experienced both during and between each experience with these substances pointed me towards this idea on the universe and consciousness. Additionally as my life became less digital centric and more nature centric over time and I became in less of a rush having somewhat dropped out of society's "rat race" I had plenty of time on my hands to ponder and refine these ideas before presenting them here to people.

last edit on 4/13/2022 1:58:04 AM
Posts: 463
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Since I'm bored, I might as well go ahead and respond to this.
Outro said:
You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao
You know what is your weakness, Outro? It's that whenever you see something you even remotely know about, you bash it to demonstrate your intellectual superiority. You'd be more pleasant if you complimented those people who bothered to do some reading, instead of trying to make them look like idiots for trying. Imagine the possibilities and the doors that would open for you
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Thanks for the tips on improving my pleasantness lmao, I'll keep it in mind. 
Posts: 128
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 
Since I'm bored, I might as well go ahead and respond to this.
Outro said:
You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao
You know what is your weakness, Outro? It's that whenever you see something you even remotely know about, you bash it to demonstrate your intellectual superiority. You'd be more pleasant if you complimented those people who bothered to do some reading, instead of trying to make them look like idiots for trying. Imagine the possibilities and the doors that would open for you
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Thanks for the tips on improving my pleasantness lmao, I'll keep it in mind. 

 You sure had a lot to say in response to the 'rambling' that corresponded to what I wrote. If only you weren't so focused on one upping me maybe a decent dialogue could be had on the subject. Also, the point wasn't "open your mind sheep"... I think you're projecting your own snarky arrogance onto me.

last edit on 4/13/2022 8:58:39 PM
Posts: 463
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 
Since I'm bored, I might as well go ahead and respond to this.
Outro said:
You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao
You know what is your weakness, Outro? It's that whenever you see something you even remotely know about, you bash it to demonstrate your intellectual superiority. You'd be more pleasant if you complimented those people who bothered to do some reading, instead of trying to make them look like idiots for trying. Imagine the possibilities and the doors that would open for you
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Thanks for the tips on improving my pleasantness lmao, I'll keep it in mind. 

 You sure had a lot to say in response to the 'rambling' that corresponded to what I wrote. If only you weren't so focused on one upping me maybe a decent dialogue could be had on the subject. Also, the point wasn't "open your mind sheep"... I think you're projecting your own snarky arrogance onto me.

 Posted Image

Posts: 128
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 
Outro said: 
Since I'm bored, I might as well go ahead and respond to this.
Outro said:
You're acting like this is some kinda genius revelation you've just had, but it's literally the quantum mechanical model and it's been demonstrated by much smarter people lmao
You know what is your weakness, Outro? It's that whenever you see something you even remotely know about, you bash it to demonstrate your intellectual superiority. You'd be more pleasant if you complimented those people who bothered to do some reading, instead of trying to make them look like idiots for trying. Imagine the possibilities and the doors that would open for you
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Thanks for the tips on improving my pleasantness lmao, I'll keep it in mind. 

 You sure had a lot to say in response to the 'rambling' that corresponded to what I wrote. If only you weren't so focused on one upping me maybe a decent dialogue could be had on the subject. Also, the point wasn't "open your mind sheep"... I think you're projecting your own snarky arrogance onto me.

 Posted Image

 And that settles it. You are a troll with no real interest in the topics you reply to. Moving on!

Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Perhaps it's not. However, wouldn't it be nice to model the behavior that you'd like to see in others?
Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society

Let me just respond to the main points here.

Firstly, I should say that I believe you're primarily making assertions based on what feels nice, instead of relying on anything akin to a scientific methodology. There's nothing wrong with doing that -- I do that  too -- but I'm just saying.

You say energy can be converted to matter, among other things. I agree, and so does the current scientific body of literature. However, I believe this is by construction. It's not that there is necessarily such a (physical) thing as energy. As far as science is concerned, energy is just a useful concept we use to convey ideas. It's a label we use to describe a concept. And yes, you're right that mass (including the brain) can be converted into energy.

I'm not sure why this matters, though, and I'm quite confused by a lot of what you say. It feels like you're re-framing what the science says and filling it with a bit of sophistry to make it sound more mysterious than it actually is. I find it confusing, for example, that you feel it is necessary to explicitly write out how your ideas of energy doesn't discount the existence of God. Yet, nobody is saying the idea of mass being energy discounts the existence of God, and I don't see any relationship between the two. It's like I said that my pen doesn't prove Thor, when nobody questioned that in the first place.

You asked "who created the energy system?" However, supposing that energy was a label that we used to describe a particular process in the motion of matter, there'd be no reason to think anyone created "the energy system." It could be that someone created it. However, there's no reason to think it -must- be the case that someone created in. Furthermore, Occam's razor seems to disfavor this idea, as it adds unncessary complexity to your hypothesis. Therefore, according to skepticism, it is more likely that nobody created the energy system than that someone did. But again, I love magic and voodoo, so yay for your idea.

Why would energy possess immeasurable intelligence? At any rate, I call magic and voodoo. I think that's what is driving these weird coincidences. I usually get what I want. However, it may be that most people refuse to try challenging things, or don't believe they can make it, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, whereas someone who is out of touch with reality might make it because they are confident that it will all work out eventually. I wouldn't discount the placebo effect. Nevertheless, I'd rather side with you and say it's magic voodoo and that the energy giant of the Universe is allowing us to warp the reality around us. No, I haven't read your easter egg topic, but I will.

As for your proposal to use hallucinogens to tap into an alternative reality: The problem with hallucinogens is that they mess up with the brain. It's true that magic mushrooms could allow us to really tap into the astral realm. In fact, I have some experience with that. In particular, several years ago, one of my friends from a long time ago told me to eat magic mushrooms, take LSD, and talk to the man in the hat to heal his cursed soul, or he'd kill himself. He was admitted to an asylum in the UK, where he still lives. At any rate, I learned first-hand about how it is to travel the astral world. However, several years later, I started studying all of this from a more scientific perspective. It seems like there is plenty of evidence that what you experience while high on LSD or other psychedelics is restricted primarily to things you know and understand, which suggests that it's likely just your brain screwing with you. One of the things that is often cited is how experiences of aliens changed after 1977, when Close encounters of the third kind was released. After 1977, most people who experienced alien abductions these sort of creatures with almond-shaped heads, like in that movie. Before 1977, the stories varied much more. Indeed, as soon as people's concept of what an alien should look like converged, they started to experience the same things.

But yeah, I do believe you're onto something with that famous person thing. Sometimes, it feels like what you're thinking transforms the reality before your eyes. However, I think it's still possible that it's just us paying better attention to those things, so we're selection-biasing ourselves to pay attention to certain things, and so that's why we notice those things.

I've also always had a taste for the supernatural/occult/spiritual/fantasy/science. I think it's a good thing. I sometimes feel like I'm limiting myself too much by constraining myself to skepticism. It sometimes feels like I have two views that constantly compete with one another. I do science for a living, but I'm also very spiritual. Good for you to have dropped out of the rat race. I think a lot of people let themselves be too boxed in. But hey, that's alright too, who am I to judge those people.

last edit on 4/18/2022 1:37:33 PM
Posts: 463
0 votes RE: Senses, energy, nature, god, and society
Outro said: 
How is that different to a rambling OP that concludes with the standard "open your minds, sheep" line?
Perhaps it's not. However, wouldn't it be nice to model the behavior that you'd like to see in others?

You're assuming I want to see people behave in a civilized manner. 

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