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Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible

Posts: 2283

Her face when she was kissing him and the pleasure in her voice, that made me realize we are together for all the wrong reasons. It was a somber realization but at least we are not engaged yet (was about to propose in May, 3 year anniversary of our first date). She is with me because I tick the boxes, good looking, high paying respectable job and no debt and a guy who wants a family. On the one hand the realization that you are not enough for your partner is hurtful but its also a moment of clarity. Maybe she is lying to herself or just suppressing her real self, but we will be a disaster to be engaged and married. I am gathering enough courage for a breakup but I know in my heart its best for us both. Its not easy though as I clearly love her a lot and she also cares for me a lot but it needs to be done. Any advice on how to do it with the least amount of pain possible, because to her it will be a surprise.

consumed by avarice
Posts: 5714
-1 votes RE: Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible

poop in your hand


sneak up on her and throw the poop at her face as a surprise attack


works every time



Posts: 5714
-1 votes RE: Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible

unless she has a secret poop fetish  >.>



Posts: 4383
-1 votes RE: Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible

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Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 2283
1 votes RE: Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible


consumed by avarice
last edit on 3/30/2022 4:11:01 AM
Posts: 4383
-1 votes RE: Had a MMF with Gf realized we are incompatible

Fuckin’ knew it.

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
6 posts
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