Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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High on shrooms and rambling

Posts: 2504


Message Turncoat OR Inquirer in a DM to get moderator attention


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16:29 Chapo: I’m sure your foot is bigger

16:29 NotYourMom: Maybe 2 feet it's high...

16:29 ChallengeSeeker: Ha ha ha

16:30 ChallengeSeeker: So is your mom 🤣

16:30 Chapo: Oh

16:30 ChallengeSeeker: Your mom is high

16:31 ChallengeSeeker: Sorry, it was funny to me

16:31 ChallengeSeeker: I’m so thirsty

16:32 ChallengeSeeker: I’d drink my own pee if I wasn’t so dehydrated.

16:36 ChallengeSeeker: Dude, I have to pee, but I don’t feel like getting up.

16:40 ChallengeSeeker: So thirsty. I also need a towel

16:41 Chapo: Dam

16:41 ChallengeSeeker: And a cup to I can use sink water and just freeze the water so it takes good.

16:41 ChallengeSeeker: So

16:42 ChallengeSeeker: Tastes

16:42 Chapo: There is at least 1 cup

16:42 Chapo: next to the fridge in the drawer

16:42 Chapo: not the drawer

16:42 ChallengeSeeker: But I can’t just occupy the cup

16:42 Chapo: like it’s right next to the freezer

16:42 Chapo: You’re so ridiculous

16:43 ChallengeSeeker: I’ll just get a bottle of water she use the bottle

16:43 ChallengeSeeker: And

16:43 Chapo: Okay

16:43 ChallengeSeeker: But I do need a towel.

16:44 ChallengeSeeker: It’s hard to keep the baby warm with an old shirt

16:44 Chapo: There’s none anywhere in my room?

16:44 ChallengeSeeker: I’m sure they’re dirty

16:44 Chapo: maybe in the closet right next to my room

16:44 ChallengeSeeker: No idea, it’s not mine. I feel weird using other people’s stuff.

16:45 ChallengeSeeker: I’ll just keep using the old clothes

16:46 ChallengeSeeker: I guess I don’t really need anything, I’m just trying to have my own stuff so I don’t feel weird using other people’s stuff

17:00 Turncoat: "ChallengeSeeker: I’d drink my own pee if I wasn’t so dehydrated."

17:00 Turncoat: Ew

17:04 ChallengeSeeker: I’m THAT thirsty

17:28 Turncoat: I think you just like pee.

17:28 Turncoat: You bring it up an uncharacteristically often amount of times.

17:29 Turncoat: I don't get it, what makes it appealing the warmth or something?

17:34 🌺plumeria🌺: Blinking did nothing

17:34 🌺plumeria🌺: It was still there

17:36 🌺plumeria🌺: The white walls still fucking haunt me

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm pretty high right now

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: LMFAO

17:37 SavantSaville: I came today morning

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: Like I think this shit is going to fix me

17:37 SavantSaville: I didn't cum in the evening

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm fucking broken

17:37 SavantSaville: but I will cum tonight

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: They won

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: They fucking broke my mind

17:37 SavantSaville: God wills me to cum

17:37 🌺plumeria🌺: All these years later and they still affect me

17:37 SavantSaville: and cum I must

17:38 🌺plumeria🌺: I admit it

17:38 SavantSaville: right @turncoat?

17:38 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm a fucking loser

17:38 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm constantly angry

17:38 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm always angry because I've lost my mind and I know it

17:38 🌺plumeria🌺: The fucking shadows

17:39 🌺plumeria🌺: It all started with em

17:39 🌺plumeria🌺: And it never stopped and even though I don't see things much anymore

17:40 🌺plumeria🌺: Even though I don't

17:40 🌺plumeria🌺: I don't know

17:40 🌺plumeria🌺: All I want is human connection

17:40 🌺plumeria🌺: But I'm fucking terrified of people

17:40 SavantSaville: when talking w women, to seduce them, you must evoke mystery

17:40 🌺plumeria🌺: Being isolated for so long, it made me scared

17:40 SavantSaville: 4 example

17:41 🌺plumeria🌺: Of people

17:41 SavantSaville: you are on restaurant w women u wish to fuck

17:41 SavantSaville: u wish go bathroom

17:41 SavantSaville: instead of saying i must go bathroom

17:41 SavantSaville: u say this

17:41 SavantSaville: I must create a mystery w porcelain

17:41 SavantSaville: u must become full of mystery

17:41 🌺plumeria🌺: One day I'm going to wake up and I'm going to be in solitary confinement again

17:41 🌺plumeria🌺: The fucking jolts

17:41 🌺plumeria🌺: In my fucking brain

17:42 SavantSaville: another example

17:42 SavantSaville: u take woman u wish fuck to home

17:42 SavantSaville: and she sees folder called "CP" on computer

17:42 SavantSaville: u say its a folder filled w mysterious pics

17:42 🌺plumeria🌺: The fucking burns from being fucking electrocuted over and over again

17:42 SavantSaville: she will become extremely intrigued by u

17:42 🌺plumeria🌺: I still have these burns on my body

17:42 SavantSaville: trust me im a pick up artist

17:42 🌺plumeria🌺: People rarely notice but they ask me what they are, sometimes

17:43 🌺plumeria🌺: I would flap my hands and they would electrocute me

17:43 🌺plumeria🌺: I would rock back and forth they would electrocute me

17:43 SavantSaville: another example

17:43 SavantSaville: instead of sending dick pics

17:43 🌺plumeria🌺: The pain was so horrible

17:43 SavantSaville: put your hand over ur penis when hard &

17:43 SavantSaville: send her a pic saying ur holding a mystery 4 her to uncover

17:44 🌺plumeria🌺: I just stopped speaking for a while, and then they would electrocute me for not talking

17:44 🌺plumeria🌺: It hurt so fucking bad

17:44 🌺plumeria🌺: It destroyed my mind

17:44 🌺plumeria🌺: At times I just fall into random rages

17:45 🌺plumeria🌺: Like I'm fighting something

17:45 🌺plumeria🌺: But nothing is there no one is there

17:48 ChallengeSeeker: TC, I don’t really like pee like that. There was one time that I drank some, but I used to have pee bottles in college and during the summers when I lived with my ex, so it’s not like a thing. It’s just not as gross to me as it should be because I’m used

17:48 ChallengeSeeker: to it.

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg

17:49 🌺plumeria🌺: Solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the floor by your legs, solitary confinement, electrocution, escape, be dragged across the hall by your leg


17:50 🌺plumeria🌺: IM SORRY

17:50 🌺plumeria🌺: PLEASE DON'T HURT ME


17:50 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm sorry for flapping them

17:50 🌺plumeria🌺: Id forgotten not to flap them

17:50 🌺plumeria🌺: Don't hurt me

17:51 🌺plumeria🌺: I came into this world they said it's broken, she is defective

17:51 🌺plumeria🌺: Beat her until she can pretend she isn't defective

17:51 🌺plumeria🌺: That's what they basically said I know it


Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

17:51 🌺plumeria🌺: Even though I never heard them say it


17:52 🌺plumeria🌺: Because that's exactly what they did to us all


17:53 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm so tired


17:53 🌺plumeria🌺: When I went to public school my science teacher said I was brilliant


17:54 🌺plumeria🌺: He said he had never seen a student like me before


17:54 🌺plumeria🌺: And I couldn't help but think, what the hell are you talking about? I'm broken


17:54 🌺plumeria🌺: It's like I didn't have the ability to think of anything good about my self at all


17:55 🌺plumeria🌺: I feel like a cast aside broken husk from a failed experiment


17:55 🌺plumeria🌺: Admitting that I am technically a genius is only arbitrary


17:55 🌺plumeria🌺: Because it doesn't matter


17:55 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm so broken I can't do anything anyway


17:56 🌺plumeria🌺: Knowing I have an ability makes me feel like I have something and I feel pressured to use it, and feel bad like I shouldn't waste it


17:56 🌺plumeria🌺: But I'm to tired


17:56 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm so tired nos


17:56 🌺plumeria🌺: Now


17:57 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm just going to clear my spot on the woods, stay there, and never leave


17:57 🌺plumeria🌺: They wanted to experiment on people with autism


17:58 🌺plumeria🌺: My brother was extremely low functioning, and I was an autistic female, a unicorn at that time, both of us were


17:58 🌺plumeria🌺: They experimented on us


17:58 🌺plumeria🌺: I wonder if they electrocuted him to, like they did me


17:58 🌺plumeria🌺: He has seizure like episodes now,ever since whatever their treatment for him was




17:58 🌺plumeria🌺: He beats himself up, and everyone around him




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm sorry brother




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm sorry I couldn't save you




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: I'm sorry I failed




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: I was to weak




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: I heard you screaming I tried to run to you, I really tried




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: But they broke my arm




17:59 🌺plumeria🌺: And they dragged me away from you




18:00 🌺plumeria🌺: I don't know what I would have done when I found you




18:00 🌺plumeria🌺: Maybe I would have told you everything was ok, tried to comfort you




18:00 🌺plumeria🌺: They tried to changes us




18:01 🌺plumeria🌺: But you are perfect just how you are




18:01 🌺plumeria🌺: Because you never tried to change me, you never abused me




18:01 🌺plumeria🌺: You only ever loved me unconditionally




18:01 🌺plumeria🌺: This is why I love you unconditionally




18:02 🌺plumeria🌺: And even if one day, you have contempt for me




18:02 🌺plumeria🌺: I will still love you




18:02 🌺plumeria🌺: Because love doesn't need a reason

Posts: 32797
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition you left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories. There's clinical trials with some drugs meant to help the patient forget the thing they just recalled by making it unable to re-encode into memory, otherwise they're trying to peddle drugs like propranolol to reduce the symptoms of it for therapeutic trials in redefining the recollection, being able to think on it more clearly rather than being overstimulated by it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 4346
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

you've been particularly fixated on your time at KK lately

Posts: 4346
1 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition yout left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories. There's clinical trials with some drugs meant to help the patient forget the thing they just recalled by making it unable to re-encode into memory, otherwise they're trying to peddle drugs like propranolol to reduce the symptoms of it for therapeutic trials in redefining the recollection, being able to think on it more clearly rather than being overstimulated by it.

i take propraolol for blood pressure and this makes sense, adrenaline doesn't bind to the heart so easily. you still feel anxiety, but it usually won't escalate to a panic attack

Posts: 2504
1 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition you left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories. There's clinical trials with some drugs meant to help the patient forget the thing they just recalled by making it unable to re-encode into memory, otherwise they're trying to peddle drugs like propranolol to reduce the symptoms of it for therapeutic trials in redefining the recollection, being able to think on it more clearly rather than being overstimulated by it. 

 My memory of what happened is accurate. I know what happened, I was there. 

Posts: 1111
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition you left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories.

 True, memories can be embellished in the telling and morph over time. Do you think it's possible this happened to your rape memories?

I Took The Liberty Of Fertilizing Your Caviar.
last edit on 1/18/2022 5:22:10 AM
Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition you left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories.

 True, memories can be embellished in the telling and morph over time. Do you think it's possible this happened to your rape memories?

 he says he wishes he knew a way to escape the mental cycles that he describes, so i think he's pretty much confirming that is the case. maybe that's why he needed to project onto delora about what happened to her.

Posts: 32797
0 votes RE: High on shrooms and rambling

I wish I knew a way to escape the mental cycles. 

When we call upon a memory, rather than it being like reading it from the book that is our brain it's more like pulling it out of a toy chest, then putting it back in whatever condition you left it in after the recollection is done, which is why memories can change and degrade as they're thought on in relation to other memories. There's clinical trials with some drugs meant to help the patient forget the thing they just recalled by making it unable to re-encode into memory, otherwise they're trying to peddle drugs like propranolol to reduce the symptoms of it for therapeutic trials in redefining the recollection, being able to think on it more clearly rather than being overstimulated by it. 

 My memory of what happened is accurate. I know what happened, I was there. 

I didn't question that in any portion of my statement, I just went on about how hard it can be to get rid of followed by what ways are currently being trialed. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
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