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My take on the 5G theories

Posts: 2314


Yeah, I don't think there is anything to these theories about 5G causing damage or some kind of weapons system.

5G is just a faster upgrade from 4G,


Now, if a government wanted to do facial recognition of it's population, 5G is it.

Or maybe tracking biosensors or Swedish RFID tags, 5G would do that too. Fuck 5G, lol

5G has more bandwidth, more information can flow.


5G operates in the GHz range so only penetrates shallow in the skin. Couple cm at best. Bad for the eyes tho.

Just don't sleep in front of a 5G/4G tower, that could be bad.


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The virus came from my ASS!
Posts: 9306
-1 votes RE: My take on the 5G theories

in my country we don’t have 5G, 5G has you.


also Elon musk wants to make a phone and stuff 

Posts: 3134
0 votes RE: My take on the 5G theories

It operates at a more powerful yet lower frequency. 

For example when we hear loud music, we notice the bass passes through the wall more easily when those loud speakers are pumping. 

5G is like that. Also I do believe the signal is more than 5 Ghz, and those towers are future proof. 6G 7G 8G. They'll crank it up when the tech comes.

Posts: 32846
0 votes RE: My take on the 5G theories

Reminds me of when people began burning down 5G towers over thinking it spread the virus. 

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