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Good: Communities you frequent

Posts: 686

Hi Good, can you PM some communities that you frequently visit?

Buttered Toast: (Lolling at a German dude's English grammar)
Posts: 2857
0 votes RE: Good: Communities you frequent

I can sure. You could have PMed me the question though, a little weird you didn't since you want it in a PM, but w/e.

They are mostly about crazy people, gaming, sex, and programming. And a few friend (irl too) communities that I won't give you.

They are all on discord these days.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 686
0 votes RE: Good: Communities you frequent
Good said: 

I can sure. You could have PMed me the question though, a little weird you didn't since you want it in a PM, but w/e.



They are mostly about crazy people, gaming, sex, and programming. And a few friend (irl too) communities that I won't give you.

Ok. I appreciate it


They are all on discord these days.

Oh.. I don't have Discord. Oh well..

Just in case.

Buttered Toast: (Lolling at a German dude's English grammar)
3 posts
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