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If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

Posts: 1

I think I would make them do something idiotic like for example I would forbid wearing socks or eat any kind of green vegetables.

I wonder how far can human stupidity go.

Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

I would ban pork

Posts: 4486
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

Sounds a bit like Pythagoreans refusing to eat beans (they tampered with the transmigration of the soul).

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

It'd get pretty cultish. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 867
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

I don't have exact rules to apply other than all pedophiles and other degenerate cretins be crucified but if I had my dream I wouldn't even be making the rules. The goal of my religion would be to construct an sentient artificial intelligence and essentially crown it our god and leader of mankind. Alternatively, if I could I'd augment myself with said AI and become a "god" but that's theoretical fanciful shit that isn't based in reality, so who knows if it could actually happen. 

last edit on 12/16/2021 7:12:11 PM
Posts: 4461
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

Rule #1: "No Religion"

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 33162
-1 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

Alright, lets really get to the nitty gritty. Loyalty is essential, which is why cult doctrines will be the path worth taking. 

The Dymaxion sleep schedule, a routine where people sleep for 30 minutes four times a day for a cumulative total of 2 hours of sleep. The body becomes trained to assume REM the minute you pass out so the sleep ends up more efficient. Sleep deprivation is essential when it comes to conditioning your followers and showing your top acolytes off as people who have surpassed sleep will enable this opening. 

No Names, those express too much individuality. Individuality amounts to autonomy and refer to one's personal history so rather than names people will need some call-on in it's place that dehumanizes them, like a number, or everyone simply must go by the same name like the 'Jane' cult in King of the Hill. 

Comforting Cold Reads followed by Guilt Inducing Rhetoric, something we see employed expertly in faiths like Scientology. People who are looking for guidance want not just someone who has the answers, but someone who says that they see great potential in the one who is currently struggling. By promising that this religion will solve the issue that's plaguing them while love bombing them with affirmations, usually done by targeting something that's a modern need like we see through Unicult, they will become invested and even begin to identify with the process. Once they feel like they need this religion to function that offers the top acolytes of this religion's clergy to throw punishments at them to reinforce their zeal and loyalty, all the while never letting them hit the top ranks unless they're truly exceptional paragons that could be used to bait others into staying the path by example. 

Mandatory LSD use once per week with subliminal messages embedded into the events, something we've seen more done in practice from subjects around the 70s. Having studied Psychology and Art I've found myself interested in subliminal messages and have seen that the increased sensitivity can lead to some long term suggestible behaviors from those who've been put through it. Color and Sound can push a person to targeted areas and the repetition of Imagery and Mantra can force someone to internalize it during such a state of mind. We've seen Manson able to make his followers go pretty nutty over the drug, imagine what someone could do if they used the tools we have at our disposal now? 

A Controlled Diet, one that will have them lacking the essential vitamins and proteins that assist with one's ability to think. As long as other areas are covered in between fasting periods they should be able to sustain themselves on very little, something that will help if this religion ever struggles to find funding that will also make people more malleable. 

A Figurehead or Frontman to be the Charisma, and for this s/he'll need to be a pure believer in case I pass on so that the faith can continue. S/he'd undergo the harshest conditioning, only to be used in such a way once the subject could truly be trusted to be a thrall. Ideally this figure'd either have some sort of mask or have some means of passing on their power to someone else, and it'd be paramount to keep the deific figure in a powerless state. If it proves too hard to keep an adult spokesperson in line, the religion can be held up by the arms of a Divine Child with puppet strings guiding the way. 

Simple Doctrine that can be pushed alongside Common Sense Lines, allowing for the words they say to sound like sensible things if they aren't looked into further. As two examples we have Scientology's color coded Thetan gauge and Christianity has the Ten Commandments. The words need to be kept to one to two syllable phrases to have it more readily translate to the reader, but it must also be followed with fantastical, unprovable claims of the Hereafter while also presenting seemingly large fantastical numbers for people to feel are impressive to read. 

No Leaving the Compound, at least until the religion's more established. If they leave the Gaslighting will stand to be undone and then the conditioning won't stick, but once enough generations have lived like this my religion can follow practices similar to the Amish where they send their young upon the world, completely naïve to it, to become scared from it and return home. The rhetoric will explain that this is for their own safety, and that those of the outside world stand to infect their minds towards the pain they ran away from in the first place. 

A Religious Title I can abuse, allowing me to have complete and free reign over what I can and can't do to my followers alongside the room to deputize people should I see fit to do so. While I won't be the Figurehead or Frontman who's treated like God itself it'd be nice to be able to flaunt such power in plain sight. 

Design an Explanation within the faith for people who disappear, whether it's because they left the religion or had to "Be taken care of". Without something like this there'll risk being dissent in the ranks, and if framed right their disappearing could look like a positive thing if not something that incites fear in those who remain. 

Following this alongside other steps should assure loyalty, security, power, and wealth, and all of this before I've even gone into what the tenants of the faith would be. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

Thanks for saving me the trouble of typing that all up, samesies

Posts: 2504
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?

NoAnti racist, pro gay,

Vegetarianism except you can eat bugs, unless you can't be for some reason

Environmental friendliness

Exceptions made to all rules in emergencies 

No there is no emergency where you need to be racist or homophobic


God is to complex for humans to understand 

Magic mushrooms 

Organic if you can be 

No child abuse 

No pedophilia

Suicide is not wrong 

Try to avoid buying products made by slavery

Still thinking



 Edit: don't try to convert others 

Don't judge others for having different beliefs

All these rules are encouraged but being cruel to anyone for having different beliefs is not ok 

Anyone is welcome in the religious group 

Dreams are spiritual somehow but idk how 

Be open to anything

Asking questions is always ok 

Debate is encouraged, questioning the religion is encouraged


 No judging polyamory, polyamory is just as ok as monogamy

Asexual relationships are legitimate

Still thinking 

Hurting people is only ok in self defense or when defending others

Rape is bad 

Cocaine is bad unless only chewed as the leaf as was intended by indigenous people

Meth is bad 

People addicted to these things need help and not judgment


Still thinking


last edit on 12/16/2021 8:56:41 PM
Posts: 2334
0 votes RE: If you were making your own religion what rules would you apply?



social connections and bonding

leaders that guide into the religious doctrine

a sacrifice for the better good

a rite of passage, the ceremony or series of ceremonies

these are all the signs of religion, sound familiar? VACCINE!


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