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Posts: 2481
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 
Chapo said: 
Lenalee said: 

I saw it more like him questioning what he's supposed to talk about with them if it's not about courting. 

...the deserve it stuff is weird though, yeah. 

 Talk to them like a normal human being?? Like if you want to make small talk go for it but thats fucking weird. Hey they have an item that you also have?

"Oh hey i have that same (insert item here). Its pretty good right?/it kinda sucks for certain things, how are you liking it?"

Its literally so easy to start a conversation about things. You don't immediately have to start hitting on someone.

 I imagine from that point the conversation typically goes something like get away from me creep stop hitting on me. Or they fuck later.

 What. The point is don't hit on them. Its a complete stranger. If you're just looking to fuck there's plenty of people wanting to hook up for the night, on various platforms. Don't bother a person not open to it??

Nah men and women are like at war right now honestly. You’re living in a fantasy world.

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Men are done.

Men are fucking fragile.

Posts: 2481
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 

Men are fucking fragile.

 So are women.

Posts: 2835
-1 votes RE: Men are done.


Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 

Man, don't harass women at the gas station. She's just there to get gas or something from the convenience store, don't start making her uncomfortable just cos you wanna shoot your shot. 

 who the fuck said he was a decent guy lmao 'UR SINGLE COS U REJECTED A GOOD MAN' wat

Posts: 3965
1 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 
Lenalee said: 

Man, don't harass women at the gas station. She's just there to get gas or something from the convenience store, don't start making her uncomfortable just cos you wanna shoot your shot. 

 Do you think complementing a woman in public is harassment ?

Woman in the video complaining about sharing her snapchat, then she runs on Ticktok to nag about it to a million ppl.

There's a difference between a compliment and unwanted flirtations.

 Do you think it's appropriate to go up to a complete stranger minding their business and start hitting on them? 

Would you like it if a gay man came up to you while you were pumping gas and started hitting on you even tho you've given no indication that you are being flirtatious towards them? 

Men are afraid of rejection, Women are afraid to get murdered by men that can't handle rejection. 

You are not owed a conversation by anyone, male or female. 

 goddamn i love it when u break it down like this bb

do u know i had a guy point a gun in my face cos i rejected his friend lmao

last edit on 12/16/2021 10:33:19 AM
Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 
Lenalee said: 

Man, don't harass women at the gas station. She's just there to get gas or something from the convenience store, don't start making her uncomfortable just cos you wanna shoot your shot. 

 Do you think complementing a woman in public is harassment ?

Woman in the video complaining about sharing her snapchat, then she runs on Ticktok to nag about it to a million ppl.

There's a difference between a compliment and unwanted flirtations.

 Do you think it's appropriate to go up to a complete stranger minding their business and start hitting on them? 

Absolutely not.


Would you like it if a gay man came up to you while you were pumping gas and started hitting on you even tho you've given no indication that you are being flirtatious towards them? 

Actually, yes that would lighten up my day and I would thank him.


Men are afraid of rejection, Women are afraid to get murdered by men that can't handle rejection. 

You are not owed a conversation by anyone, male or female. 

 Women these days have become too weak. I never saw this coming.




Man can't even hold a door over for a woman these days. Not that I think they should.

We're evolving like the prey mantis of the black widow spider or some creature that devours the male.

 um u better hold the door open for me bitch. i literally will say 'thanks' loudly to anyone who doesnt hold the door open for me if i'm carrying bags

once this bitch let a door slam on me that coulda broke my hand, so the next time she was behind me i intentionally slammed it in her face hahahaha

male or female, u better hold that fuckin door open brah

Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 
Chapo said: 
Lenalee said: 
Chapo said: 
Lenalee said: 
Chapo said: 
Lenalee said: 

Man, don't harass women at the gas station. She's just there to get gas or something from the convenience store, don't start making her uncomfortable just cos you wanna shoot your shot. 

How do you expect people to pick up chicks. Like where is the fucking line of what’s acceptable and what’s not. Because as far as I can tell, women are LITERALLY impossible to please.

 You know what's great about tinder and online dating? Woman feel safer in rejecting men because the lack of physical retaliation. Its also safer to talk and get to know before deciding to meet up. If someone isn't showing interest in you, there's no need to make your presence or interest known. 

Lol, I would feel bad for women that get hit on all the time, but I just think they all deserve it.

 How do they deserve it? 

 Well you deserve it because you’re a bitch.

 And why do the other none bitchy women deserve it?

 LOL. u leave that bait there, she'll be back for it later

Posts: 3965
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Chaotik said: 

I can't imagine being a girl that gets constantly harassed by weirdo incels. Shit would drive me insane. I already feel bad for my friends that do deal with it. 

My only experience is a few girls online being obsessed with me, but not to the extent Chapo deals with. 

 there's literally nothing worse than an awkward loser thinking they have a chance with you. i can literally see the rusty screws turning in their head my god so embarrassing, and then they have to GALL to be offended when u aren't interested.

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Men are done.
Lenalee said: 
Lenalee said: 

Man, don't harass women at the gas station. She's just there to get gas or something from the convenience store, don't start making her uncomfortable just cos you wanna shoot your shot. 

 Do you think complementing a woman in public is harassment ?

Woman in the video complaining about sharing her snapchat, then she runs on Ticktok to nag about it to a million ppl.

There's a difference between a compliment and unwanted flirtations.

 Do you think it's appropriate to go up to a complete stranger minding their business and start hitting on them? 

Would you like it if a gay man came up to you while you were pumping gas and started hitting on you even tho you've given no indication that you are being flirtatious towards them? 

Men are afraid of rejection, Women are afraid to get murdered by men that can't handle rejection. 

You are not owed a conversation by anyone, male or female. 

 goddamn i love it when u break it down like this bb

do u know i had a guy point a gun in my face cos i rejected his friend lmao

 What the fuck.

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