he's trying to mirror what my ex and my two partners used to call me to feel closer to me
bpd abandonment issues, so cringe
azzy is a cute nickname
A azzy that’s spinning in circles, jumping up and down, or barking and yipping is not a happy azzy. These are all signs of over-excitement. The azzy has excess energy, and the only way his brain knows how to deal with it is to work it off physically.
Unfortunately, people often interpret these signs as happiness. Many also tend to think that it’s cute when a azu acts like this, and wind up unknowingly encouraging the behavior. Curb your azzy’s excitement and you’ll be preventing misbehaviors in the future, including aggression.
An excited azzy is not happy. A calm aazzy is. Here are six steps to take to get your azzy from being constantly over-excited to be calm, submissive, and happy.
1) Put azzy back in his place so he disappears with his tail ducked between his legs in the crowd of people he just bullied
2) Be empathetic toward his short comings and whatever might have triggered the initial outbreak
3) Aid him in bullying Jim so he has one less reason to do it himself and feels like you got his back
4) Tell him that you love him and kiss on the cheek
5) Shoo Jim away when he wants to kiss him on the cheek as well so it doesn’t escalate into another fight
6) Give him new song recommendation of his favourite genre (edgecore) so he can work on suppressed feelings that he can otherwise not feel without music
Is this still the case