Unlike the rest of all these nolifers trolls/bpd's/npd's/autists/aspd's and all the rest of the no lifers subhuman who live in forums, I never argue or debate or troll or e battle anyone.
Instead of wasting my time with such trivialities, I lurk in internet forums, servers, and other places where I'm practically a nobody among nobodies and gather data to use later on.
After I use around 50 alts for every social media including this site,
I decide it's time after all my preparation, data gathering, and most of all superiority. Which I already confirmed previously from the fact that I don't engage in stupid shit, I stalk it. To finally make my move and put all the no lifers in their place.
Now that I got an absolutely perfect passive aggressive sassy line or paragraph, surely all the braindead abominations will get meta-trolled by my 12D larp.
This awareness provides me with profound confidence, due to how unlike all these socially awkward losers I got the lack of autism to be sarcastic, and I go outside daily.
If you don't believe me just ask all the kindergarten schools I stalk to sniff the warm chairs of children, or all the sex offender lists that contain my sigma male status and my selfie.
So don't lamp me in with all these unreasonable non-awoke non-red pilled losers, I am an ascended 4channer who gets rejected 500 times daily.
You all got shit on me, and now that I typed something passive aggressive with no context that's perfetly clear.
Get cucked losers.
- 12th e persona this day only