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Another Columbine Wanna Be

Posts: 9308


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To the person who's signature this is.

To save you from the embarrassment- I would highly recommend, not being this guy

last edit on 8/3/2021 5:47:03 PM
Posts: 9308
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna-be



Anyone see the similarities between 'Andrew Blaze' and the Joker or is that just me 


(he even talks like the Heath Ledger version a bit just naturally)


compare this clip to @43:24 of the Andrew Blaze video... I think that clip is a really crucial slipping of the mask moment where his truest feelings and emotions are revealed, beyond the psychotic delusions, cartoons, and societal resentment. What he is really grappling with on the inside was the real root of the problem. 


(and their back story about having a rough relationship with their father and resenting society and disgruntled detachment, for all these reasons like not being noticed...being a mentally ill loner... etc)


he even cosplays as a strangely dark 'character'... the jokers character is, a joker. His character, is a weird, colorful ghost. And he spends a lot of his time fixated with creating bizarre comedic relief through his YouTube skits, the same way that The Joker performs, and sees life, as comedy. 


Andrew Blaze even said at one point, "All I wanted to do, was make people laugh." 


There are a lot of parallels when you start to look at it. He even kind of resembles, Heath Ledger a bit. 


The video footage where Andrew Blaze goes off at one of his 'employed' voice actors, is very reminiscent of the Jokers explosive tyrannical rage. 

last edit on 8/3/2021 4:45:05 PM
Posts: 9308
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna-be

I am not glorifying this person, though, I think it is interesting to study all criminals, as you know I have an interest in that. It's like a hobby. 


And I just couldn't help but talk about the obvious parallels. As I didn't see anyone in the comment section of Youtube mentioning, how much he resembled The Dark Knight's Joker's voice. 


Both, The Joker, and, 'Andrew Blaze' were, very sick, individuals who, may of been beyond what modern psychiatry could of even done for them other than attempting to keep them institutionalized at best. 


If it were up to me, people who commits these kind of crimes, their faces, their names would never see the light of day. 


But unfortunately, this would ultimately be an impossible feat, as information always gets leaked somewhere, somehow- and, I think the importance of studying and bringing awareness to the 'prodromal phase' to mass shootings may be crucial in understanding how to prevent them. 


So it's a bit of a double edged sword. This was an unusually good example for forensic psychologists to look at, as the entirety of the preliminary phases were documented in great detail, on film. 


I think this is unfortunately, an opportunity to learn about the importance of mental health. 

last edit on 8/3/2021 4:44:21 PM
Posts: 9308
-1 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna-be

Bipolar and Andrew Blaze: 


Genetically predisposed (father diagnosed Bipolar?)


Having exaggerated self confidence


"Hypomania can also lead to erratic and unhealthy behavior. In mania, people might spend money they don't have, seek out sex with people they normally wouldn't, and engage in other impulsive or risky behaviors with the potential for dangerous consequences."


"acute symptoms associated with hypomania such as insomnia or agitation."


Sometimes anti-psychotics are prescribed for people with Bipolar II and mania, and I think he may of benefited from them, seeing as he believed he would become a ghost. This delusion is fixed however, and which more common is schizoaffective disorder I believe. 


Schizoaffective disorder is a condition that can make you feel detached from reality and can affect your mood.


What doctors call "negative" symptoms, some examples are a lack of emotion or withdrawal from social activities


Signs and symptoms of bipolar I and bipolar II disorders may include other features, such as anxious distress, melancholy, psychosis or others.


He had all the hallmarks of persisting depression, and to top it off, an eating disorder, and self harm. Beginning to fail school, and the disgruntled anger and self loathing, lack of self worth, constant thoughts of death and suicide


However, his mood was obviously rapid cycling, as he at times, would film funny videos, full of energy, and behaving a bit erratically. And then, would switch back over to, planning a mass murder. 


Decreased empathy response to other people’s pain in bipolar disorder



impaired empathy is considered to be a central characteristic of several psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia 5 and autism,...


The cognitive and affective aspects of empathic abilities were assessed using the Interpersonal Reactive Index. 3 The Interpersonal Reactive Index includes four seven-item subscales, each tapping a different aspect of empathy 3 : (a) the perspective taking subscale, which measures the reported tendency to adopt spontaneously the psychological point of view of others; (b) the fantasy subscale, measuring the tendency to imaginatively transpose oneself into fictional situations; (c) the empathic concern scale, measuring the tendency to experience feelings of sympathy and compassion for others; and (d) the personal distress scale assesses the tendency to experience distress and discomfort in response to others’ observed distress. 


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Participant Empathy Scores

A significant group by type (interaction) effect (F=7.164, df=1, 37, p=0.011) indicated that the pattern of performance in the cognitive and affective empathy scores was significantly different between the two groups. Follow-up independent T-test indicated that bipolar disorder patients had significantly lower scores in the cognitive empathy subscale (perspective-taking) (t=2.102, df=37, p=0.042). However, patients scored significantly higher than comparison subjects on the affective empathy subscale (personal distress) (t=−2.059, df=37, p=0.047).


the pattern of performance in the cognitive and affective empathy scores was significantly different between the two groups: whereas cognitive empathy was higher in healthy comparison subjects, bipolar patients showed a trend toward higher emotional empathy.



Based on what I've read seems like a dead ringer for something of this nature going on. 

last edit on 8/3/2021 5:21:51 PM
Posts: 838
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna Be

lol im not watching a 47min video you crazyyyyy


lanza my favorite mass shooter

Posts: 811
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna Be
Blanc said: 


Posted Image

To the person who's signature this is.

To save you from the embarrassment- I would highly recommend, not being this guy

 columbine is pretty cool i guess

visceral normality
Posts: 2283
2 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna Be

babygirl are u columbine cuz i wanna shoot some kids inside you

consumed by avarice
Posts: 819
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna Be

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Posts: 4371
0 votes RE: Another Columbine Wanna Be

He's an example of what happens when a reject with low social skills copes by isolating themselves and imagining they're some sort of tragic genius or visionary. He wanted love and acceptance on his terms. But being the thoroughly weird and unrealistic person he was concerning relationships, he had to meet his needs through invented cartoon characters based on a show for kids (because he was emotionally childlike). In his farewell video meant for his parents after his passing, he's so self-absorbed that he basically talks the whole time about his relationship with some cartoon chick. A total all-around faggot.

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